Game Helpers

September 13, 2014 12:06 pm

board_gamesAt church we’ve been doing an annual game night.  I put together a bunch of game helpers for each of my games that are really handy to have when introducing new players to the games.  They provide information on how each turn should flow and what decisions need to be made.

So I thought I’d stick them here for anyone else that might want them.  The page numbers refer to the game manuals–where that instruction is referenced if you need further guidance.  Each file is available as a ready-to-print PDF and as an Open Document (ODT) file.


Flash Point Fire Rescue:

Last Night on Earth:


Survive: Escape from Atlantis:

Ticket to Ride:


One thought on “Game Helpers”

  1. In our last ward, we were having a newlywed game night when we first moved in so the new couples could meet people they have more in common with. It was fun. It got cancelled when the bishopric decided that all the young people getting together would lead to infidelity. Uhm… Okay…

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