COVID-19: Part 46

October 10, 2020 1:52 pm
  • Quarantine Day 208
  • Livermore cases: 944
  • Alameda County cases: 21,217; deaths: 431
  • U.S. cases: 7,641,000+; deaths: 213,000+

Air quality was lousy again for most of the past couple of weeks. It's finally good again and the temperature is down. So we actually have the windows open today.

President Trump was hospitalized with COVID-19 a week ago. He received multiple experimental treatments (but not hydroxychloroquine which just a few months ago he was touting as a miracle cure) as well as what's apparently a pretty heavy-duty steroid. He left the hospital a few days later claiming to be all better, but it was quite obvious in the news videos that he was having difficulty breathing just standing outside before walking in to the White House.

Something like over 30 people connected to the White House have tested positive. Which is really no surprise since they've been apparently avoiding taking just about any precautionary measures.

The second debate was supposed to be next week. In response to Trump being infected it was changed to a having them participate remotely. For reasons no one can explain, Trump threw a fit about this and the debate was canceled. But maybe that has more to do with his performance at the first debate being widely considered to mark a new low in American politics for basic decency and decorum.


We finally played through the final Dragon Strike adventure. Ivy and Beryl, with assistance from Halbarad, Fili, and Tramii, confronted Darkfyre. They defeated the dragon and rescued the queen. The kingdom celebrated, parties were held, and Pluck, the bard of Addleston, sang a special song in honor of the heroes.

It was a ton of work to write the story line and design each of the adventures and my creative juices are pretty much dried up at this point. But Heather had a ton of fun. We may investigate a Dungeons and Dragons starter kit at some point once I'm not burned out on it.


Alameda County has moved from purple down to red on the state's reopening plan. Which means that school districts can begin limited reopening of elementary schools if they choose. Livermore is still considering whether to do so or not. Not really sure how to feel about it. If the medical data says it can be done with minimal risk, then that's probably fine. My only request is that it be done based on medical reality and not on the vocality of the groups demanding one or the other.


A right-wing domestic terrorist group was arrested this week on charges of actively plotting and working towards kidnapping and assassinating the governor of Michigan. Their complaint against her apparently being that she's been trying to institute basic, medically-supported, public-health measures to save lives during a global pandemic. Morons have convinced themselves that such actions are oppression on par with gassing people in death camps.

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