Kyle’s Birthday 2018

July 16, 2018 10:45 pm

My birthday happened to fall on Saturday this year which is always nice.  I “helped” Heather and Corinne assemble birdhouse kits in the morning.  Which is to say I built a birdhouse for Corinne and helped Heather build hers.

After lunch we went over the library where they were having engineering projects for kids.

Heather got to play with a hammer (turns out all you really need for “engineering” to entertain kids is hammers, nails, and blocks of wood), played with some large blocks, built a maze, and worked on a raft.

Corinne, on the other hand, tripped on the sidewalk as soon as we got there and badly skinned up her knees.  She spent the time there in pain and crying.  So we ended up leaving earlier than planned and going home to open presents.  They both enjoy helping unwrap gifts.

We went out to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant and then home again for cake.  We didn’t have enough candles, so I had Jess use a binary format to describe my age.  What you can’t see well in this pictures is the holes poked in the cake between the candles to represent the zeros in 100001.

And if you want to talk on the phone in our house this is how it’s going to happen:

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