Victory for the Dickersons!

January 20, 2011 8:53 pm

As many of you probably recall, Jess and I drove to Texas in protest of the TSA grope-a-thon required to fly these days. Before the new, creepier security screening processes were put in place we had purchased airplane tickets with Southwest. When the change occurred I was particularly unhappy. I called Southwest and asked for a refund, which they refused to provide because “we don’t control the TSA; it’s not our fault.”

So I moved to plan B: I filed a charge dispute with my credit card company (CitiBank) and carefully detailed why I considered the scenario to be a breach of contract. They conditionally refunded the money and sent the dispute to Southwest which had 60 days to reply. The reply just came through and my refund has been made permanent! Hooray!


On a related note, an update about the letters we sent to the airlines and government officials. Every airline responded with a written answer. Most were along the lines of “it’s not our fault, we can’t do anything about it.” But the response from American Airlines was very simple and direct:

Thank you for taking the time to contact us about the recent changes that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has made to checkpoint security screening procedures. We are monitoring our customers’ feedback on this issue very closely, and we thank you for providing us with your impressions.

They’re the only airline that didn’t simply deflect the issue away from themselves. I appreciate that. The airlines claim they have no control over the matter and, ostensibly, they don’t. However, they do have rather influential lobbying efforts which could certainly be brought to bear on the situation. And that’s the goal I’m going for. If they get enough pressure and begin losing enough customers they will find a way to reign in the TSA.

Now for the responses I got back from the government officials. We wrote letters, (physical letters!), to our two Senators, our House Representative, the TSA, the FAA, and the President. We received exactly zero replies. In over two months not a single person, organization, or office responded to our concerns. No form letters, no acknowledgement of any kind. That really kind of bothers me.

The fact that no part of the government could be bothered to even acknowledge our concerns is why I have very little faith that anything will change until the airlines start lobbying for it. I’ve now learned very poignantly how little my opinion matters to the people who are elected to represent my interests.

Thanks America, you’re really doing a bang-up job with that democratic republic business.


So the scores are:
-1 to Southwest for denying me the refund when I asked for it on the phone.
+1 to Southwest for not denying the charge dispute when I filed it with my credit card company.
+1 to CitiBank for taking care of this for me (using a credit card does have some great benefits).
-100 to the TSA for implementing stupid “security” rules.
+2 to the Dickersons who successfully received a refund from a large company.
+5 to airlines for acknowledging my complaint.
-20 to government officials/organizations for not acknowledging my existence.

Freedom of the Press

December 7, 2010 8:12 am

President Obama while in China – November 16, 2009:

But I am a big believer in technology and I’m a big believer in openness when it comes to the flow of information. I think that the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable. They can begin to think for themselves. That generates new ideas. It encourages creativity. (emphasis mine)

Hillary Clinton – January 1, 2010:

[President Obama] spoke about how access to information helps citizens hold their own governments accountable, generates new ideas, encourages creativity and entrepreneurship. The United States belief in that ground truth is what brings me here today.

Hillary Clinton about WikiLeaks – November 29, 2010:

It is an attack on the international community…

Sarah Palin about Julian Assange – November 30, 2010:

Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

Senator Joe Lieberman – December 7, 2010:

It sure looks to me that Assange and WikiLeaks have violated the Espionage Act.

Philip Crowley (State Department Spokesman) – December 7, 2010:

What WikiLeaks has done is a crime under US law.

So much for Freedom of the Press and holding our own governments accountable. Also, as much as people are clamoring to charge Assange with a crime there’s the small problem of him not being a U.S. citizen. Seems rather extraordinary to charge someone with a crime under a law in a country in which they neither live nor have citizenship. But Palin apparently has the answer to that, just call him a terrorist and kill him where he stands.

Regardless of how you feel about the leaked information WikiLeaks needs to be protected the same way any other news organization would be, including the New York Times which collaborated with WikiLeaks in processing the documents and deciding what to publish.

Sorry if the facts contradict your propaganda

November 4, 2010 9:44 pm

Apparently a lot of people believe that everything wrong with the economy right now is the fault of the Democrats. In particular many people believe that the economic stimulus plan was entirely the Democrats’ (and President Obama’s) idea. And that if we could just get all the Democrats out of office things would be better. And if Republicans had been in control the bailout would never have happened.

As much as I enjoy bashing politicians, unfortunately this issue needs some factual correction. I now refer you to H.R. 1424, better known as the law that created the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the main body of the economic stimulus plan, a.k.a. the bailout. Most importantly I’d like to draw your attention to the votes in both the House and the Senate, as well as the signature of the president who signed the bill into law.

Senate Vote On Passage: H.R. 1424 [110th]: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008:
Democrats: 40 Y – 9 N
Republicans: 33 Y – 15 N

On Motion to Concur in Senate Amendments: H R 1424 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008:
Democrats: 172 Y – 63 N
Republicans: 91 Y – 108 N

President Signs H.R. 1424 into law:
George H. W. Bush

Also important to note to those that believe the Democrats are to blame is that the Democrats didn’t have even a chance of overriding a presidential veto. You need 2/3 in both the House and Senate. In the House Democrats had 172 yes votes of 435 seats (less than 40%). In the Senate Democrats had 40 yes votes of 100 (exactly 40%). President Bush could have vetoed the bill and then it would have simply died.

Now, to be clear. The idea of bailing out the major financial institutions that created the housing mess didn’t sit well with me either. But I’m under no delusion that it was the Democrats’ fault.

(I promise I’ll try to be done with political posts for awhile.)

Next to the washing machine

November 2, 2010 5:18 pm

OK, I’ll be honest. I didn’t vote for positions like Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, or Livermore Area Recreation & Park District Directors. I’d already spent hours trying to make informed decisions about all the other items on the ballot and I just couldn’t bring myself to care about those positions.

Anyway. I went to my polling location to vote. Turns out my polling location for this election was some person’s garage. Yup, like attached to their house. I found it kind of strange to be filling out a ballot next to a washing machine, and below a shelf holding sleeping bags.

And now, I’ve voted, participated in the democratic process, and ready to be annoyed at all the screw-ups awaiting us in the next 2 years.

CA Election 2010 – U.S. Senate

1:34 pm

There is no voluntary spending limit for U.S. Senate seats, so I can’t use that as an easy way to rule out candidates, however the Political Courage Test still applies and thus the Democratic, Republican, and American Independent candidates are tossed for not bothering to state their positions.

The remaining candidates include:

Marsha Feinland (Peace and Freedom) – I find myself agreeing with many of her positions. Though I have a problem with her support for eliminating funding for intelligence operations within the defense budget. When we do successfully stop terrorist plots it’s through the efforts of intelligence operations (evidence). Eliminating all funding for intelligence gathering would most likely actually increase our risk of being attacked (returning airport security checks to pre-9/11/01 levels would be just fine though). She also opposes nuclear energy, which is unfortunate.

Gail Lightfoot (Libertarian) – Sorry, not going to be voting for this one. She supports eliminating all federal funding for agriculture, arts, education, environment, international aid, medical research, scientific research, and welfare. She believes privatizing each of those areas would be better. She does, however support nuclear energy, but lives in a fantasy world where the private sector will build these facilities without government backing or indemnity.

Duane Roberts (Green) – I like the vast majority of his stated positions. Unfortunately, he doesn’t support nuclear power; but I can live with that and the other issues I don’t entirely agree on.

I’ll probably be voting for Roberts.