Mint 22.1 + Kodi 21.2 + Beelink Mini S12

March 8, 2025 6:46 pm

The latest in my series on the subject, this follows the last upgrade in 2023: Mint 21 + Kodi 19 + Intel NUC i3.

I’ve replaced my aging Intel NUC with a Beelink Mini S12. The fan seemed to have a bearing beginning to fail. I figured I better get on replacing it while it was giving me forewarning rather than waiting for it to catastrophically fail (and before more tariffs increased prices further). I had looked into just replacing the fan, but couldn’t find a part I could guarantee would work. And it was 11 years old. And the Beelink Mini S12 was only $160 and offered a significant leap in processing power, storage, and RAM while lowering electrical usage.

I bought this one. The Beelink Mini S12 with Intel N100 processor, 16 GB RAM, and 500 GB SSD.

My first challenge was getting the Beelink to boot off a USB drive. For whatever reason it didn’t like the drive I was using and after futzing around for a while I tried another one, it booted fine, and I got Mint 22.1 installed without issue.

Install Kodi

The Kodi PPA is no longer maintained and the recommended solution is the Flatpak.

$ flatpak install flathub tv.kodi.Kodi
# To fix pipewire access (maybe not necessary?):
$ sudo flatpak override tv.kodi.Kodi --filesystem=xdg-run/pipewire-0

How to get audio passthrough working correctly changed again in this release. Theoretically the most recent versions of Pipewire handle it correctly with Kodi “out of the box,” but the version of Pipewire installed in Mint 22.1 was not doing it.

This goes hand in hand with configuring the machine to auto-boot into Kodi directly and skip loading a Cinnamon user session.

Create a script to launch Kodi with ALSA:

$ mkdir ~/Scripts
$ touch ~/Scripts/kodi_custom_session_launcher
$ chmod +x ~/Scripts/kodi_custom_session_launcher
$ nano ~/Scripts/kodi_custom_session_launcher

File Contents:

flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi --audio-backend=alsa

Create a custom XSession entry which we can select from the login screen:

$ sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/Kodi_ALSA.desktop

And the file contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Kodi with ALSA
Comment=This session will start KODI Media Center

Now if you log out you should be able to select “Kodi with ALSA” as a session option from your login manager.  In Mint, this is accomplished by clicking the circle to the right of the user name.

As in the past, after a little fussing and some restarts I eventually saw the correct audio targets in the Kodi settings and everything seems to be happy with the audio passthrough support.

When running as a flatpak, the Kodi configuration is in a new location:

I set up some stuff in Kodi’s advanced settings file to disable the splash screen and hide the ext4 file system’s “lost+found” directories.

$ nano ~/.var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/userdata/advancedsettings.xml

File contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

IR Remote Control

The Beelink Mini S12 doesn’t have a built-in IR receiver like the NUC did. So I bought a FLIRC USB IR Receiver. The system sees it as a keyboard, so you don’t do any configuration with Linux’s built-in IR receiver support. Instead run the FLIRC configuration tool. It helpfully has a Kodi configuration mode which shows you all the keyboard commands that Kodi understands and trivially lets you map buttons on your remote to those commands.

Here’s my configuration which maps the buttons to the same ones I’ve been using on my Onkyo RC-764m remote using remote code 33003:

Lyrion Music Server

Logitech Media Server is dead, but Logitech rather graciously handed the project over to the community (presumably with the requirement that they not use Logitech’s name). The community rebranded it the Lyrion Music Server.

I downloaded the package for version 9.0.1 from

And to install:

$ sudo apt install ./lyrionmusicserver_9.0.1_amd64.deb

Preferences are stored at /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs

External Hard Drives

I’m still having issues with the external hard drives disappearing and needing to be remounted. I’ve slightly updated my script from the last post as I discovered there were 2 possible failure modes to check when deciding if a disk needed to be remounted:

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/TV || ! ls /mnt/TV > /dev/null; then
  mount /mnt/TV

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/General || ! ls /mnt/General > /dev/null; then
  mount /mnt/General

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/Movies || ! ls /mnt/Movies > /dev/null; then
  mount /mnt/Movies

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/4TB_Storage || ! ls /mnt/4TB_Storage > /dev/null; then
  mount /mnt/4TB_Storage

if [ "$needed_to_remount" == "true" ]; then
  echo "$(date) Needed to remount disks"

And the cronjob in /etc/crontab that runs this scripts every minute:

# Work around external drives being unmounted randomly
* * * * * root /home/kyle/Scripts/ >> /var/log/remount_disks.log

Mint 21 + Kodi 19 + Intel NUC i3

January 8, 2023 2:24 pm

The latest in my series on the subject, this follows the last upgrade in 2018: Mint 19 + Kodi 18 + Intel NUC i3.

Not much has changed in how I got my set up the way I want since 4 years ago. There is a minor change on how to get the TrueHD and DTS-HD MA audio passthrough working.

Update NUC’s UEFI

I grabbed the latest firmware from Intel (version 54) and flashed it onto the NUC. One issue I ran into (which presumably isn’t new, just not noted previously), is that the NUC wasn’t negotiating a display signal through my receiver and I had to plug it directly into the TV to see anything in order to do the firmware upgrade.

Next I went on a wild goose chase because after upgrading the firmware nothing could see the internal mSATA drive on which the OS is installed. After an hour and a half of messing with it (including downgrading the firmware) I eventually disconnected everything, opened it up, re-seated the drive, and put it back together and everything was fine. No idea what that was about.

Install Linux Mint 21.1

I then installed Mint 21.1.  I won’t cover that in this post.  Plenty of better places to find that information.  I’m using the 64-bit distribution.

Install Kodi 19

The Kodi Wiki install guide is pretty clear:

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install kodi

ALSA, PulseAudio, TrueHD, DTS-HD MA

Since last time some minor details about how to accomplish forcing Kodi to use ALSA have changed. I still use a custom session launcher, but instead of rather forcefully killing pulseaudio it uses pasuspender and sets an environment variable for Kodi.

Create our custom session launcher:

$ nano ~/kodi_custom_session_launcher

Paste in:

pasuspender -- env KODI_AE_SINK=ALSA kodi

Make the launcher executable:

$ chmod +x ~/kodi_custom_session_launcher

Now create the custom XSession entry:

$ sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/Kodi_ALSA.desktop

And paste in:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Kodi with ALSA
Comment=This session will start KODI Media Center
# Note: Change "kyle" to your username

Now if you log out you should be able to select “Kodi with ALSA” as a session option from your login manager.  In Mint, this is accomplished by clicking the circle to the right of the user name.

After a little fussing and some restarts I eventually saw the correct audio targets in the Kodi settings and everything seems to be happy with the audio passthrough support.

Kodi Configuration

I setup some stuff in Kodi’s advanced settings file to disable the splash screen, hide the ext4 file system’s “lost+found” directories, and increase the network streaming buffer.

Create the file:

$ nano ~/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml

And paste in:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

NUC’s Remote Control IR Receiver

To use the NUC’s built-in IR receiver we need to install the ir-keytable utility:

$ sudo apt install ir-keytable

Then we define the keytable we need for the Onkyo RC-764M remote using the Xbox keycode 33003.  Create the file:

$ sudo mkdir /etc/rc_keymaps
$ sudo nano /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003

And paste in:

# table onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003, type: NEC
# Using Onkyo Remote Code 33003
# Code mappings match same buttons when using Original Xbox Dongle Remote Code
# ScanCode LIRC_KEY # Remote button text
# LIRC_KEY is modified to get correct action in XBMC using LIRC-in-kernel fake-keyboard actions

0x2d2d3a KEY_I #Display
0x2d2d59 KEY_LEFT #Left
0x2d2d5a KEY_RIGHT #Right
0x2d2d47 KEY_UP #Up
0x2d2d48 KEY_DOWN #Down
0x2d2d4a KEY_C #Guide/Top Menu -- Context Menu
0x2d2d4b KEY_ESC #Prev CH/Menu
0x2d2d45 KEY_BACK #Return
0x2d2d56 KEY_O #Setup -- Codec Info
0x2d2d58 KEY_ENTER #Enter
# UNUSED 0x2d2d4f #Audio
0x2d2d35 KEY_COMMA #Skip Left
0x2d2d34 KEY_PERIOD #Skip Right
0x2d2d32 KEY_R #Rewind
0x2d2d33 KEY_F #Fastforward
0x2d2d31 KEY_P #Play
0x2d2d38 KEY_SPACE #Pause
0x2d2d39 KEY_X #Stop
0x2d2d3b KEY_1 #1
0x2d2d3c KEY_2 #2
0x2d2d3d KEY_3 #3
0x2d2d3e KEY_4 #4
0x2d2d3f KEY_5 #5
0x2d2d40 KEY_6 #6
0x2d2d41 KEY_7 #7
0x2d2d42 KEY_8 #8
0x2d2d43 KEY_9 #9
0x2d2d44 KEY_0 #0
# UNUSED 0x2d2d4e #+10
# UNUSED 0x2d2d46 #CLR
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7c #Search
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7d #Repeat
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7f #Random
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7e #Play Mode

Now configure a systemd service to load the keytable at boot.  Create the service file:

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ir_receiver.service

And paste in:

Description=Configure the IR Receiver for the desired keytable

ExecStart=/usr/bin/ir-keytable -c -p NEC -w /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003


ExecStart needs the absolute path to the ir-keytable executable.  Here’s what the command options do:  “-c” clears the existing keytable.  “-p NEC” puts the receiver in NEC mode. “-w /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003” loads our custom keytable.

And enable the new service:

$ sudo systemctl enable ir_receiver.service

Bonus: Logitech Media Server

I also run Logitech Media Server for the fleet of Squeezebox Radios in the house.  I

The information for LMS is a mess.  Lots of out-of-date information and lack of clarity on recommended approaches.  The wiki linked to in the previous post is now out of date.

However, the package repository still seems to be the right place. This XML file contains the details on the latest release:

I grabbed the 8.3.0 DEB release for amd64 from:

$ sudo apt install ./logitechmediaserver_8.3.0_amd64.deb

Misc. Errata

My external USB3 hard-drive enclosure (a Mediasonic ProBox HF2-SU3S2) had been working rock solid under Mint 19. Unfortunately now it’s randomly being disconnected. It immediately reconnects and I can re-mount the drives, but it’s a major annoyance. The transfer speeds are about 50% faster than before (~120MB/s vs ~80MB/s, so we’re hitting the very max of my gigabit networking–which is cool–but, I’d rather have it be stable).

After trying a few things (disabling auto-suspend, checking for the UAS driver [not in use]) and making no progress I wrote a cronjob to check if the disks had become unmounted and, if so, to remount them. The job runs every minute.

Ugly, but so far it’s been effective. It could, obviously, be done with an array and a loop instead, but I just wanted it done and not have to try to remember the exact syntax for that.

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/TV; then
  mount /mnt/TV

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/General; then
  mount /mnt/General

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/Movies; then
  mount /mnt/Movies

if ! mountpoint -q /mnt/4TB_Storage; then
  mount /mnt/4TB_Storage

if [ "$needed_to_remount" == "true" ]; then
  echo "$(date) Needed to remount disks"

And the entry in /etc/crontab to run it:

# Workaround external drives being unmounted randomly
* * * * * root /home/kyle/Scripts/ >> /var/log/remount_disks.log

Which logs when it detects the drives have been unmounted so I can at least monitor how often this is happening. So far it’s been happening 3-7 times a day with what-appears-to-be entirely random intervals. Maybe the log file will reveal some pattern I can work with.

Mint 19 + Kodi 18 + Intel NUC i3

December 27, 2018 10:39 am

I’m finally upgrading my OS and it’s time for a follow up on my popular post on setting up Kodi on Ubuntu 14.04.  It was invaluable to me in re-figuring out bits and pieces and some things have changed.

Rather than write out what’s changed explicitly, I’ll write this as a fresh guide and make notes when something is different than it was 4 years ago.

I’m using Linux Mint 19 now, which is based off Ubuntu 18.04.  These instructions will likely work fine for Ubuntu 18.04.  I’m using Kodi 18 (Leia) on an Intel NUC i3 D34010WYK.  As I write this Kodi 18 is on Release Candidate 3 (I was really hoping they’d have the final build out by now, but now is when I have time off).  Not a problem though, switching the PPA is easy (see below).

Update NUC’s UEFI

I grabbed the latest firmware from Intel (version 50) and flashed it onto the NUC.  Glad to see Intel used a sane process.  Just grab the .BIO file and put it on a USB flash drive.  Upon boot, hit F7 and navigate to the BIOS Flash Update Tool.

Install Linux Mint 19.1

I then installed Mint 19.1.  I won’t cover that in this post.  Plenty of better places to find that information.  I’m using the 64-bit distribution.

Install Kodi 18

The Kodi Wiki install guide is pretty clear:

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install kodi
Note: ppa:team-xbmc/ppa is for the final release versions.  If you want a beta/release-candidate build (as I did for this installation) just switch ppa:team-xbmc/ppa to ppa:team-xbmc/unstable.

When the final version is released, you can switch to the stable build:

$ sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/unstable
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

ALSA, PulseAudio, TrueHD, DTS-HD MA

From what I can tell not much has changed in this aspect of the guide.  You can use PulseAudio directly with Kodi now, but you won’t get TrueHD or DTS-HD MA passthrough support.  And your streams are all processed on-system instead of being sent to your receiver for processing.  So we’ll continue to drop down to ALSA instead.

We use a custom XSession to accomplish this.  Which means we log in directly to Kodi instead of logging in to a desktop and running Kodi as an application.

Create our custom session launcher:

$ nano ~/kodi_custom_session_launcher

Paste in:

# Kill PulseAudio so KODI will use ALSA for proper passthrough support
echo autospawn = no > ~/.config/pulse/client.conf
killall pulseaudio
# Start KODI
# Restore Pulse Audio
rm ~/.config/pulse/client.conf
pulseaudio --start

Make the launcher executable:

$ chmod +x ~/kodi_custom_session_launcher

Now create the custom XSession entry:

$ sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/Kodi_ALSA.desktop

And paste in:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Kodi with ALSA
Comment=This session will start KODI Media Center
Note: Change "kyle" to your username

Now if you log out you should be able to select “Kodi with ALSA” as a session option from your login manager.  In Mint, this is accomplished by clicking the circle to the right of the user name.

Kodi Configuration

Note: Previously I had to workaround a bug with 24p audio/video synchronization.  That's no longer necessary.

I setup some stuff in Kodi’s advanced settings file to disable the splash screen, hide the ext4 file system’s “lost+found” directories, and increase the network streaming buffer.

Create the file:

$ nano ~/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml

And paste in:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

NUC’s Remote Control IR Receiver

To use the NUC’s built-in IR receiver we need to install the ir-keytable utility:

$ sudo apt install ir-keytable

Then we define the keytable we need for the Onkyo RC-764M remote using the Xbox keycode 33003.  Create the file:

$ sudo mkdir /etc/rc_keymaps
$ sudo nano /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003

And paste in:

# table onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003, type: NEC
# Using Onkyo Remote Code 33003
# Code mappings match same buttons when using Original Xbox Dongle Remote Code
# ScanCode LIRC_KEY # Remote button text
# LIRC_KEY is modified to get correct action in XBMC using LIRC-in-kernel fake-keyboard actions

0x2d2d3a KEY_I #Display
0x2d2d59 KEY_LEFT #Left
0x2d2d5a KEY_RIGHT #Right
0x2d2d47 KEY_UP #Up
0x2d2d48 KEY_DOWN #Down
0x2d2d4a KEY_C #Guide/Top Menu -- Context Menu
0x2d2d4b KEY_ESC #Prev CH/Menu
0x2d2d45 KEY_BACK #Return
0x2d2d56 KEY_O #Setup -- Codec Info
0x2d2d58 KEY_ENTER #Enter
# UNUSED 0x2d2d4f #Audio
0x2d2d35 KEY_COMMA #Skip Left
0x2d2d34 KEY_PERIOD #Skip Right
0x2d2d32 KEY_R #Rewind
0x2d2d33 KEY_F #Fastforward
0x2d2d31 KEY_P #Play
0x2d2d38 KEY_SPACE #Pause
0x2d2d39 KEY_X #Stop
0x2d2d3b KEY_1 #1
0x2d2d3c KEY_2 #2
0x2d2d3d KEY_3 #3
0x2d2d3e KEY_4 #4
0x2d2d3f KEY_5 #5
0x2d2d40 KEY_6 #6
0x2d2d41 KEY_7 #7
0x2d2d42 KEY_8 #8
0x2d2d43 KEY_9 #9
0x2d2d44 KEY_0 #0
# UNUSED 0x2d2d4e #+10
# UNUSED 0x2d2d46 #CLR
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7c #Search
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7d #Repeat
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7f #Random
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7e #Play Mode

Now configure a systemd service to load the keytable at boot.  Create the service file:

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ir_receiver.service

And paste in:

Description=Configure the IR Receiver for the desired keytable

ExecStart=/usr/bin/ir-keytable -c -p NEC -w /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003


ExecStart needs the absolute path to the ir-keytable executable.  Here’s what the command options do:  “-c” clears the existing keytable.  “-p NEC” puts the receiver in NEC mode. “-w /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003” loads our custom keytable.

And enable the new service:

$ sudo systemctl enable ir_receiver.service
Change Note:
Previously I had a custom script that would unload and reload the nuvoton-cir kernel module.  That doesn't appear to be needed anymore.  Maybe it never was.

That script also used to run via rc.local.  That is no longer preferred and we use the systemd service instead

Screen Tearing

I have not seen any screen tearing yet, so I don’t think this workaround is needed anymore.


Now Kodi is up and running and everything is grand.

Bonus: Logitech Media Server

I also run Logitech Media Server for the fleet of Squeezebox Radios in the house.  Last time I set up a repository which kept installing updates and clobbering my configuration.  This time I just installed directly from a DEB file.

The information for LMS is a mess.  Lots of out-of-date information and lack of clarity on recommended approaches.  The main place to start is the Wiki page for Debian Packages (Mint is a derivative of Ubuntu which is a derivative of Debian).

One of the links on that page will take you to a package repository where you can download the latest DEB package (currently 7.9.2).  I grabbed the Debian amd64 package and installed it with:

$ sudo apt install ./logitechmediaserver_7.9.2~1545144292_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 14.04 + XBMC 13 (or KODI) + Intel NUC i3

May 12, 2014 2:54 pm

For additional clarity and to help search engines the specific versions involved are: Ubuntu 14.04 codenamed “Trusty Tahr”, XBMC 13 codenamed “Gotham”, and an Intel NUC i3 model number D34010WYK.

As a preface, I’m doing this work while XBMC 13 is on beta 4; but I don’t expect the general process will change much by the time it gets to final release.

Update: This all still works with KODI 14 as well; just change instances of “xbmc” for “kodi”.  Including things like “xbmc-standalone” -> “kodi-standalone”

Update NUC’s BIOS

What with the introduction of UEFI I’m not sure whether we should call this step a BIOS update, a UEFI update, or a firmware update; but that’s what I did first.  I grabbed the latest firmware from Intel (version 25) and flashed it onto the NUC.  Glad to see Intel used a sane process.  Just grab the .BIO file and put it on a USB flash drive.  Upon boot, hit F7 and navigate to the BIOS Flash Update Tool.

Why didn’t I just use XBMCBuntu?

[Sigh] As of this writing XBMCBuntu for Gotham beta 4 gave me a lot of issues.  First, for unknown reasons, I couldn’t get the installer loaded to a flash drive using the standard Ubuntu “Startup Disk Creator.”  When it came time to install the bootloader I kept getting “Uncaught Exception” and something about an invalid version string “Trusty”.  I tried using UNetBootin, but it still took a few tries before I had a flash drive with a properly imaged XBMCBuntu on it.

Then I discovered that unlike the Ubuntu 14.04 image, the XBMCBuntu image (based on 14.04) doesn’t support UEFI.  So I had to get into the UEFI settings to enable legacy booting.  Once I got the installer running I discovered that not only did the USB image not support UEFI booting, the installer didn’t support UEFI installation (again, the standard Ubuntu 14.04 image works just fine).

So by this point I was annoyed and frustrated with XBMCBuntu and decided to go the plain Ubuntu 14.04 route and install and setup XBMC myself.

Installing Ubuntu 14.04

I’m not going to cover the process of actually installing Ubuntu 14.04–that’s covered in far more detail in plenty of other places on the Internet.  Things of interest for the NUC specifically is that by default the installer determined it needed to use a UEFI install and did the correct thing without any intervention on my part.  I did, however, change the partition sizes myself as I installed to a USB flash drive rather than to a traditional hard drive.

After installation I needed to remove unwanted applications that would serve no purpose in a media center application.  Things like an office suite, email client, chat client, etc.  I didn’t try to do a thorough cleaning, but just hit the obvious stuff:

> sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-common thunderbird empathy

I then did some performance tuning to account for running my system off of a USB flash drive.  I followed information from here:

  • Change drive mounts to use “noatime” (in fstab)
  • Use a RAM disk for tmp files (also in fstab)
  • Reduce synching to the flash drive

Installing XBMC 13 (Beta 4)

I was installing from Beta 4 so I used the “unstable” PPA:

> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable

But you’d want to go directly to the stable PPA at this point:

> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa

And then:

> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install xbmc

NOTE: These repositories are the only thing (I think) that didn’t change name with KODI.  So still use team-xbmc for the PPA, but when doing the install you would use “sudo apt-get install kodi”.

Configuring the XBMC session for ALSA

Now comes the fun part of trying to figure out how to get XBMC, Pulseaudio, and ALSA to play together the way I wanted them to.  XBMC 13 does finally let XBMC play acceptably with Pulseaudio by default which is nice for a lot of people; but it does not support passthrough for either DTS HD-MA or Dolby TrueHD.  And since one reason I was upgrading from a Raspberry Pi to the Intel NUC was to get my full HD 7.1 channel audio working correctly I didn’t like that option.

After messing around with pasuspender (pulseaudio suspender) and not getting things working, I finally went with a custom XSession script.  99% of the time this machine will boot straight to XBMC and stay in XBMC.  I didn’t need to make this work properly while running XBMC inside of a normal desktop session.

So my script kills pulseaudio (allowing XBMC to utilize ALSA) and runs XBMC, once XBMC exits it restores pulseaudio.

I created a file in my home directory called xbmc_custom_session_starter

> nano ~/xbmc_custom_session_starter

containing this:

# Kill PulseAudio so XBMC will use ALSA for proper passthrough support
echo autospawn = no > ~/.config/pulse/client.conf
killall pulseaudio
# Start XBMC
# Restore Pulse Audio
rm ~/.config/pulse/client.conf
pulseaudio --start

And make it executable:

> chmod +x ~/xbmc_custom_session_starter

Now we need to create a custom XSession entry to use this script instead of just starting xbmc directly.  In /usr/share/xsessions there should be a file called XBMC.desktop there already.  We’ll add our own (the existing one will get overwritten when you update XBMC, so don’t modify it in place).

> sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/XBMC_Custom.desktop

Copy this into the file, setting the correct home directory path for the xbmc_custom_session_starter script we just created:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session will start XBMC Media Center

Now, from your regular desktop, if you logout you should be able to change your session to “XBMC With ALSA”.  You do this by clicking the little icon just above the password box on the right hand side.

After going through the XBMC settings and turning on audio passthrough my receiver correctly shows 7.1 channel DTS HD-MA when playing that type of source audio.

Refresh Rate

I originally had configured XBMC to match the refresh rate of the display to the source.  This would switch the TV to use 24 frames per second when watching movies filmed at 24 frames per second (rather than leaving the TV at 60 frames per second and cramming 24 frames into every 60 refreshes).  However, there is a well known audio lag bug in XBMC when you do this, so for the moment I’ve disabled the option until I have a chance to investigate using a audio delay compensation for only 24 fps video (as described here  FYI, this is often referred to as the “24p audio sync bug.”  The “24p” meaning 24 frames per second, progressive scanning.

Update: I was able to get this working acceptably by following information to set the audio delay to 175ms.  However, in XBMC 13 the remote would stop working when the refresh rate changed so I didn’t use it.  With KODI 14 that bug has been fixed so now I’m using this.  In the advancedsettings.xml (described below) I included the following block:

<!-- Work around 24p audio sync bug -->

Some Advanced Setttings

Also, I added an “advancedsettings.xml”.  This allowed me to turn off the XBMC splash screen, hide the ext4 filesystems “lost+found” directories from XBMC’s media scanners and set the specific memory cache for network streams to improve streaming stability.  The advancsedsettings.xml only exists if you create it.  Mine looks like this  (located in your home directory under .xbmc/userdata; now .kodi/userdata):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Getting the NUC’s IR working

I’ve been using an original Xbox DVD dongle ever since I started running XBMC on the original Xbox (I bought a USB to Xbox controller adapter cable at some point when I stopped using the original Xbox).  One great benefit of doing so has been that my Onkyo universal remote includes the proper codes for the Xbox DVD dongle and so everything worked very cleanly without needing additional remotes kicking around (1 remote, yay!).

The NUC, however, has an IR receiver built in, so I wouldn’t need to use the trusty dongle any longer.  But that meant I would need to get something working with my Onkyo remote and preferably without changing anything regarding which button does what and without making too much of  a mess out of my configuration.

Over the recent past there has been some change that has resulted in LIRC modules being brought directly into the Linux kernel.  This has caused all manner of confusion about how you’re supposed to configure and interact with LIRC.  I can’t say I fully understand the change or surrounding confusion, but I managed to get a working solution without installing LIRC explicitly.

In order to get my solution in place I borrowed a lot of information from tutorials like and  And many other forum posts and websites which I can’t remember.

First, there is apparently an issue with the NUC’s IR receiver itself and Linux.  I took the instructions for my solution from here:  But modified them since that post is for OpenElec.

I created a file in my home directory called

> nano ~/

Paste in the following:

modprobe -r nuvoton-cir
echo "auto" > "/sys/bus/acpi/devices/NTN0530:00/physical_node/resources"
modprobe nuvoton-cir

And make it executable:

> chmod +x ~/

Then add that script to rc.local:

> sudo nano /etc/rc.local

At the bottom of the file before the line reading “exit 0” add the following (with the path adjusted correctly for your home directory, or wherever you decided to put the script).


I spent quite some time figuring out how to get my remote keys mapped to the correct actions for XBMC under the LIRC-in-kernel setup.  I’m not going to describe the process I went through, you can find most of that process in the 2 links I provided at the top of this section.

The end result is an rc_keymap file specifically for my Onkyo RC-764m remote control using the Xbox DVD remote code (33003) which controls XBMC the same as it did using the original Xbox DVD dongle.

I created a file under /etc/rc_keymaps called onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003

> sudo nano /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003

Which has the following content:

# table onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003, type: NEC
# Using Onkyo Remote Code 33003
# Code mappings match same buttons when using Original Xbox Dongle Remote Code
# ScanCode LIRC_KEY # Remote button text
# LIRC_KEY is modified to get correct action in XBMC using LIRC-in-kernel fake-keyboard actions

0x2d2d3a KEY_I #Display
0x2d2d59 KEY_LEFT #Left
0x2d2d5a KEY_RIGHT #Right
0x2d2d47 KEY_UP #Up
0x2d2d48 KEY_DOWN #Down
0x2d2d4a KEY_C #Guide/Top Menu -- Context Menu
0x2d2d4b KEY_ESC #Prev CH/Menu
0x2d2d45 KEY_BACK #Return
0x2d2d56 KEY_O #Setup -- Codec Info
0x2d2d58 KEY_ENTER #Enter
# UNUSED 0x2d2d4f #Audio
0x2d2d35 KEY_COMMA #Skip Left
0x2d2d34 KEY_PERIOD #Skip Right
0x2d2d32 KEY_R #Rewind
0x2d2d33 KEY_F #Fastforward
0x2d2d31 KEY_P #Play
0x2d2d38 KEY_SPACE #Pause
0x2d2d39 KEY_X #Stop
0x2d2d3b KEY_1 #1
0x2d2d3c KEY_2 #2
0x2d2d3d KEY_3 #3
0x2d2d3e KEY_4 #4
0x2d2d3f KEY_5 #5
0x2d2d40 KEY_6 #6
0x2d2d41 KEY_7 #7
0x2d2d42 KEY_8 #8
0x2d2d43 KEY_9 #9
0x2d2d44 KEY_0 #0
# UNUSED 0x2d2d4e #+10
# UNUSED 0x2d2d46 #CLR
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7c #Search
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7d #Repeat
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7f #Random
# UNUSED 0x2d2d7e #Play Mode

The format of each line, if it’s not clear, is (the IR keycode recognized by the NUC) then (the LIRC keycode to activate, which XBMC will respond to) then as a comment [meaning after the # symbol] (the text of the button on the remote control itself).

Many examples will talk about the LIRC keycode and then how to configure the XBMC’s remote or keyboard mapping files to respond to the LIRC keycodes.  I bypassed this extra step by instead matching my LIRC keycodes to the expected XBMC behavior in the default mappings.

In order to activate this keymapping I modified the init_ir_receiver script we created above to look like this:

modprobe -r nuvoton-cir
echo "auto" > "/sys/bus/acpi/devices/NTN0530:00/physical_node/resources"
modprobe nuvoton-cir
ir-keytable -c -p NEC -w /etc/rc_keymaps/onkyo_rc-764m_nec_33003

The call to ir-keytable configures the IR receiver to respond to the keymapping correctly.  Of course we also need to install ir-keytable:

> sudo apt-get install ir-keytable

Fixing Tearing

With the configuration up to this point I was experiencing some tearing.  A common solution for NVidia graphics is to disable the X server’s “backing store.”  This also appears to fix some issues with the NUC as well.

Some information from the XBMC Forums here: and from here:

Both links suggest the root cause is a bug in libsdl which presumably will get fixed at some point.  Lots of sources say to modify /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf; but that file will be overwritten during system updates.  Instead you want to copy that file to /etc and then modify it there (which works for me):

> sudo mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
> sudo cp /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf
> sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf

This will open the file in nano to edit; change the file to read:

# Dump core
xserver-command=X -bs -core

Now you should just need to reboot to clean up the tearing issues.

Wrap Up

At this point I have XBMC working they way I want it, it’s just a matter of doing the within-XBMC configuration for things like media sources, plugins, etc.

For me, I also installed Flexget and Transmission to monitor for and download things automatically.  Lots of tutorials out there if you do some searching.

Logitech Media Server (SqueezeBox Server)

I also run Logitech Media Server (Squeezebox Server) for the house from this machine.  That required using LMS 7.8 as the 7.7 line is incompatible with Ubuntu 14.04.

To enable access to the LMS 7.8 software repository we need to add it as a source to /etc/apt/soures.list (unlike XBMC, there isn’t a Ubuntu PPA for this).  We’ll be adding the “unstable” repository which is where 7.8 currently lives.  If that changes you’ll want to change this source line to match.

> sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

And at the top of the file add:

# Logitech Media Server / Squeezebox Server
deb unstable main

We want it at the top so that when we install the software it finds it first from this source and not somewhere else

With that done we can install Logitech Media Server:

> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install logitechmediaserver

Unfortunately, the unstable branch updates regularly and each update seems to reset all the settings in the software (maybe I’m just missing something, resetting preferences is not a normal thing for software updates in general).  So I had to hold/lock the version so that doing “apt-get upgrade” wouldn’t automatically include logitechmediaserver.  You can do hold/unhold with:

> sudo apt-mark hold logitechmediaserver
> sudo apt-mark unhold logitechmediaserver

Configuring EyeFi Server

I also use this machine as an EyeFi server which automatically copies files from Jess’ camera to here so she doesn’t have to muck around with removing the SD card from the camera and copy pictures around and making sure they’re organized properly.  I ended up using this version which works well enough:

The installation process for this eyefiserver code is entirely manual.

You need to copy each file to the correct directory on your system.  At least the code repository has the correct directory hierarchies, you just need to match them.

Copy the /usr/local/bin/ file to your /usr/local/bin directory and make it executable.
Copy the /etc/eyefiserver.conf file to your /etc/ directory and update it as necessary.  Copy the /etc/init.d/eyefiserver file to your /etc/init.d director and make it executable

Then make it run on startup by using update-rc.d (you can probably do this using rc.local like I did above for the IR init script, but this works for sure):

> sudo update-rc.d eyefiserver defaults
> sudo update-rc.d eyefiserver enable

And with that my system was complete and running the way I needed and wanted.

The only details left is to try and figure out a good workaround for the 24p audio bug, trying to get NetfliXBMC working, and looking into a bug where remotes and keyboard stop working when the refresh rate changes (currently not an issue since I disabled refresh rate changes because of that audio bug).

I also need to spend a little time researching remote delay/repeat options.  It’s not horrible, but how button presses are interpreted is a little different than it was with the old DVD dongle and it would be an improvement to clean it up a little bit.