My birthday this year was also the penultimate day of school for the girls and a remote-learning day. I worked from my closet for the morning while the girls got their schoolwork done and took the afternoon off. After lunch we went for a short walk at Sycamore Grove mainly as an excuse to get out of the house. The weather was probably the coolest I’ve had for a birthday in over a decade with a high of about 65F.

Our Sycamore Grove “hikes” rarely make it further than the hollowed out tree about a half-mile along the trail. But it makes a good stopping point and fun pictures:
After our walk in the park it was time for the girls’ art class. Jess dropped them off and I sat on the couch and read a book while the house was quiet.
Once the girls were home from art class I opened presents!

With presents opened it was time to figure out dinner. I drove out to the Cheesecake Factory to pick up food–the spicy chicken chipotle pasta is yummy.
And, of course, after dinner was cake!

Bonus picture of Heather with her eyes crossed:

After work on Friday we went to Boomers! and played miniature golf to celebrate my birthday and the end of school.
Yesterday, Saturday, we went over to some friends’ house and played a board game. With vaccinations going into effect and infection rates dropping life is starting to go back to normal.
Corinne and I got 2 pandemic birthdays, but it looks like Heather and Jess will only have one. Alameda County moved to the yellow tier this week and California is still planning to lift most remaining state-imposed restrictions this week on the 15th (there will still be some restrictions on mass gatherings). Messaging has been unclear and I’m not sure if Alameda County will retain any restrictions beyond the state’s or not.