Heather’s Dance Recital 2016

June 12, 2016 3:51 pm

Heather’s dance recital was on Saturday, June 11.  She loved it.  Her favorite part was “all of it.”  We went and got frozen yogurt afterwards.

The company doesn’t allow video taking during the performance, but this year they at least put up free videos and some free pictures that can be downloaded.  The photographer taking the pictures had a camera that does much better than ours in low-light conditions.  So I’ll just post those pictures since they look much nicer than the noisy ones I took.  Low-light performance is really the only reason I’d like to upgrade to a newer camera at some point; the sensor technology improvement over the last 7 years have been pretty impressive.

I don’t really have much else to say, so here are pictures and the video is at the bottom:

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And some pictures with her teachers after the show.  She switched teachers half way through the year because her original class only had 2 kids so they combined them into one of the other classes before they started learning the recital piece.  I really should have used a fill flash for these pictures in the shade with the sunlit building behind them.  Oh well.

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Now the video (it’s only 2:40 long, it’s just Heather’s dance).  It was just a wide-angle shot of the whole stage.  I cropped it down which is partly why the resolution is low.  The teacher is standing stage left, guiding them through the routine, which is why Heather is almost always looking that way.

If the video won’t play in your browser, you can right-click and download it here: Heather Recital 2016

One thought on “Heather’s Dance Recital 2016”

  1. This makes me laugh. I especially like the picture where she has shot up into the air while everyone else was still earth-bound. It’s hard to tell which kid is actually doing it correctly since no two are doing the same thing. 4-yr-old dance recitals; priceless!

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