Heather’s Dance Costume

May 25, 2016 2:54 pm

Heather missed picture day for her dance class due to our family’s bout with hand-foot-and-mouth disease.

Today was a dress rehearsal, so she got all dolled up again.  So I set up my equipment to try and get at least one or two decent pictures of her in her costume.  Our kitchen, unfortunately, is just not quite large enough for me to use my 50mm lens effectively, but I got some okay pictures:

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Corinne wanted to be part of the excitement as well.  She looks like an anime character.


2 thoughts on “Heather’s Dance Costume”

  1. Cute, Heather (who looks super tall!). And is Corinne’s hair as red as it looks in that picture? I love red hair.

    1. Corinne’s hair looks like it has some red in it depending on the light. However, this picture has particularly poor color reproduction as there is sunlight coming from above, LED warm-color lights behind her, and the camera flash on her face. I balanced it as well as I could to not make it look completely unnatural, but it makes her hair look more red than it does in real life.

      And Heather is getting really tall. It seems like we have to buy her new clothes and shoes every 3 months. She’s quite pleased that she’s as tall as her dresser now.

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