March 8, 2015 3:04 pm

FINALLY, both the girls’ bedrooms are completed! It was weeks of turmoil and a lot of hard work from all of us, but they are done! I really didn’t think Heather would handle the transition to her new room (the old office) well, but she has done great. We involved her in the process as much as possible, and I think that helped a lot. She picked the paint color, helped put the butterflies on the walls, and helped move everything (books, toys, clothes, etc.) from her old room. And she loves her new room!

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The nursery has turned out great, too. I love the color, and I think everything is organized well.

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A close-up of the owls and snails:P1010471as

The decal above the crib says, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Do you know how loved you are?”P1010472as P1010473asWhen I eventually finish Corinne’s birth sampler, it’ll hang above the dresser.

I am so relieved to finally have those rooms done. I am 38 weeks along tomorrow (2 more weeks to go!) and have been itching to just be READY. I haven’t packed my hospital bag yet, but that’s just about all I have left to do. Car seats are in and everything! Just hoping Corinne holds off until Kyle’s mom gets here, and then we will be ready to roll!


One thought on “READY”

  1. So adorable! Hope heather loves her new room! With Russell, we were so Not ready. Chad had to go buy a car seat while I was in the hospital. (The one we used for Charlie was a hand-me-down from Erin and had since expired.) Luckily, I got sick a few weeks before he was born, which made me realize I really needed to get my sub plans done – even then I was still finishing them after he was born.

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