Approval Voting

June 4, 2012 3:40 pm

Some of the most interesting classes I took during college were the artificial intelligence courses.  These courses usually took concepts from psychology, sociology, political science, and evolutionary biology, and discussed them in the context of logic, mathematics, and algorithms.  It’s absolutely fascinating stuff.

One of the most interesting topics from all of my education was about voting—discussed in the context of Arrow’s impossibility theorem, the Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem, and Condorcet’s paradox.

The Wikipedia introductions in each of those articles are pretty easy to understand.  But in quick, simplified, summary:

Condorcet’s paradox explains how it’s possible for an election to have no meaningful winner because any choice can be argued against due to a cyclical ordering of choices (think rock-paper-scissors).

The Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem shows that (for 3 or more choices/candidates) if voters order the candidates by preference and you try to choose a single winner from those preferences, then either (1) someone is a dictator and controls the outcome, (2) some candidate can never win, or (3) voters have an incentive to lie about their preferences in order to influence the outcome (people can game the system).

Arrow’s impossibility theorem is similar, but deals with systems that attempt to find a preference order over all candidates rather than a single winner.  For a reasonable set of axioms that define a “fair” voting system, there can be no voting system which satisfies all of the fairness axioms simultaneously.

I think these ideas are simply enthralling.  We then went over a slew of different voting protocols (ways of casting and counting votes) and showed how they were bound by these concepts.

Our class discussion naturally led to which voting protocol was “most fair.”  But, necessary in that discussion is also which voting protocol is most fair without being too complex to actually use.

Most of the time when we think about voting in the United States, we’re thinking about plurality voting (first-past-the-post or winner-take-all).  This is when, trying to get a single winner out of a group of candidates, each voter casts one vote and the candidate with the plurality of votes wins.  It happens to be a very simple protocol, but, in the opinion of the class (which I agree with), one of the least fair protocols.  Without discussing the technical violations of Arrow’s fairness axioms, the reasoning we used was that when there are many candidates with similar levels of support, a large part of the population ends up being unrepresented and, due to this, plurality voting tends to collapse to a two-party system (often where neither candidate is really liked, but only preferred over the other candidate).

In our discussion, we tended to favor approval voting for its simplicity and ability to stave off a collapse to the two-party divisiveness.  In approval voting, each voter simply votes for any/all candidates of which they approve.  So if there are 4 candidates and you like 3 of them, you vote for all 3.  Or if you only like 1, just vote for that one.  There now is no reason to collapse into a two-party system because I can vote for all candidates I feel are qualified instead of fearing that the “other person” will win and I therefore must vote for the “most electable” of my actual preferred candidates.

Approval voting, of course, has some of its own problems, but we felt it was certainly more fair than plurality voting and would help solve some of the problems we’re experiencing in U.S. politics right now in terms of partisanship, divisive rhetoric, and inviability of third-party candidates.

My First Mother’s Day

June 1, 2012 11:30 am
This year was my first Mother’s Day, and it was a good one. I got a new Willowtree figurine of a mom, dad, and baby, and Heather signed my card with her footprint (in green food coloring). Kyle took some pictures of my baby and me:
I know, I’m blinking in this next one, but it’s so very Heather that I’m posting it anyway. I dare you not to smile!


Heather: 7 months

May 31, 2012 8:24 am

Heather has been so busy these last weeks! Our little girl is growing and learning like nobody’s business. Here are some notes:

  • She is totally mobile now. It’s not crawling, but I don’t know what to call it, exactly. It’s an inchworm sort of thing. See for yourself:

    She doesn’t normally fuss while she’s doing it, but I’d been trying to get her to scoot for 5 minutes, and she was a li’l bit grumpy. This video (and all the following pictures) was taken 5 days ago, and she’s already much more coordinated at it. When she has a goal (see #9), she can really book it! Along the same lines, she can pivot really easily, and it’s pretty fun to see her turn in your direction and start coming for you.

  • Heather’s doing a lot of exploring these days. She spends her time basically figuring out different ways to interact with the world, and it’s way fun to watch. She looks around a lot, and once something’s within reach, she’s turning it and twisting it and eating it and experimenting with it.
  • Going along with that, her fine motor skills are really developing. She’ll often stop and stare at her hands as she bends and twists her fingers, and she’s getting really good at manipulating smaller things. She can get her binky into her mouth now with no problems, and it’s one of her favorite toys.
  • She can sit pretty well now, though I don’t ever leave her when she’s sitting because she’ll reach for something off to the side and topple right over.
  • Heather loves buttons. On shirts, pants, whatever. She can’t get enough of touching them.
  • She laughs. Well, chuckles. She can also click her tongue, which she’s very proud of. It’s pretty funny, but I haven’t caught it on video yet. Sorry.
  • We had to lower the crib for the first time on Saturday because she was grabbing the top of the side and trying to pull herself up. (She can’t pull to a stand yet, but she’s pulled up onto her knees several times, and it makes her look like such a big girl!)
  • I think she’s a bit shy. When other people are around, she’s much more reserved than when it’s just Kyle and me. Not so animated, not so vocal. Who would’ve guessed, right?
  • She’s developed a fascination with electrical cords and the bookshelf. I’m trying to teach her “no,” but it’s a slow process. 🙂
  • Heather can now bang objects together. Well, not really together, I guess. But she loves to stand in her exersaucer and smack everything with her links. Even when I read to her, she’ll sometimes hit the book with her binky, which is apparently hilarious. (Also hilarious: closing books. You can’t usually turn more than a page or two before she’s closing the book again.)
  • Speaking of the exersaucer, she now understands that when she drops things over the side, they go down to the floor, and she’ll contort herself trying to see them.
  • Along with the object permanence she’s developing, though, we’re getting a bit of separation anxiety, I think. Personally, I don’t understand why thinking that I don’t exist when she can’t see me is better than knowing I’m just elsewhere, but I hear that’s how it works. Anyway, I can’t hide on the nursery floor to see if she’s really going to go to sleep anymore because she pulls the bumper down to look for me. And she was completely traumatized when I took a shower this morning. Good times.
  • Heather loves Henrietta. Kyle does the pre-bedtime storytime every night, and when I bring her Henrietta, she reaches out for her and snuggles into her. Sometimes she laughs. Cutest thing ever.

We sure love our little bug!

Erin – age 15 – stuck in hamper

May 24, 2012 10:01 am

She may now have a law degree, but at 15 Erin still struggled against the mighty forces of the plastic hamper.  My favorite comment from Mom: “She’s supposed to be smart.”


I also enjoy that Erin had apparently been toddling around like this for some time.  Enough time for Mom to find the video camera and get it working and then say “Okay Erin, now let’s see you go around the room in it again.”