If my illness surprises you, it’s because you aren’t on G+. I’ve been whining over there for days.

September 29, 2011 11:15 am

I have a couple theories about why I am still sick. What say you?

  1. I can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep.
  2. The baby is stealing my antibodies.
  3. I have chosen a steady diet of Marshmallow Mateys to get me through this.
In good news, I think the cold is improving, if very slowly. And my eye is definitely getting better—antibiotics are a miracle, and I love Kaiser.

One thought on “If my illness surprises you, it’s because you aren’t on G+. I’ve been whining over there for days.”

  1. So, I know it might be a little late for this, but I finally decided to splurge and got one of those full body preggo pillows– they’re amazing! I was having trouble sleeping until I got one and wow, just wow. I love it. Other than, maybe some chicken noodle soup?

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