What we’ve been up to…

July 13, 2011 1:51 pm

We went by the Alameda County Fair on Saturday, and that was fun. Some friends had called on Wednesday to ask if we wanted to go with them that afternoon, but it was 99 degrees outside, so I declined. Crazy people. By Saturday, it had cooled down a lot, plus we went in the evening. We mostly just walked around and looked at stuff, but we picked up some more of those fancy caramel apples we found last year and I got my cotton candy fix. The worst part was that we didn’t get to ride the swings! I had been wondering how well my belly and I would fit, but then the sign said it was not recommended for pregnant women, which I think is just dumb. I’m still kinda sad about this.

We’ve been trying to buy a house, but it’s not happening. We’ve put in 5 offers on 3 different houses, but no go. We both really wanted this last one, but they went with another offer for the same amount, but a larger down payment. [sigh] This has been enormously frustrating, and I think we’re going to take a break and save up some money for a bit. For right now, we’ll just concentrate on making room in our current apartment for the baby and hope a larger apartment opens up soon.

I’ve had a couple more OB appointments, and everything still looks great. I passed my glucose test (thank goodness!) and the baby is measuring well. I recently started on a medication (propranolol, if you’re interested) that should help prevent my headaches. I sure hope it helps, ‘cuz it’s been kinda rough around here. I also started doing biofeedback, so hopefully that’ll help, too. Only time will tell, though. The late-pregnancy aches and pains are starting to set in, so that’s awesome. I can only imagine how much fun I’ll be having in a couple more months. The good news is that I can feel our little girl moving around pretty consistently now, which actually is awesome.

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