An Enjoyable Experience

May 4, 2011 4:18 pm

There’s this fondue place here in town called Simply Fondue, and I recently got it into my head that I really wanted to go have dinner there sometime, having never done a fondue dinner before. Then I realized that the logistics of this would be far easier to work out before the baby comes, so I asked Kyle if we could go sometime before October. Of course he agreed, so then I got on their website and saw that they had a deal running through the end of April, so I made us a reservation for last Friday night!

It was awesome, starting out with the best caesar salad of my life. Then we got a sharp Wisconsin cheddar fondue with bread and veggies to dip. Next was the main course, a selection of meats that we grilled (this part got a li’l bit greasy and smoky). I think that I liked the cheese ravioli even better than the meats, though, and I didn’t even think to dip those in the sauce! For dessert, we ordered a swirl of white and milk chocolate, and there was pound cake and brownies and fruits and other tastiness to dip in it. So good. We have decided that we shall be returning for dessert. We want to try their other choices!

We were there for 2.5 hours and it was just really fun. (Though we did come home and shower because our clothes and hair smelled like grease from the meats!) We were also very full!

One thought on “An Enjoyable Experience”

  1. I tried to get Erin to go to The Melting Pot (same kind of place) one time – but she said it’s super expensive.

    This sounds like so much fun!!! Although, I don’t know if my meat-and-potatoes husband would like it as much as I would…

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