I had been looking forward to this for months.

September 30, 2010 11:09 am

My cub scouts* and I went on a tour of our local library yesterday, and it was the coolest thing I’ve done with them yet!

Front of Library 1
The youth librarian, Gary, told us some neat background and history of the library, and we got to ask cool questions, like would there be enough space on the shelves if everybody turned in their books, and what is worth more, the building or the books? Oh, and I learned that although the Dewey Decimal System is for nonfiction books, fairy tales are cataloged in it, which made me exceedingly happy. He took us around the youth section of the library (which is quite large) and pointed out all the different areas. We got to see the dragon, which is their automated book return. And then he set the boys on a scavenger hunt to find books from various areas. It was way fun!

*It’s possible that I haven’t mentioned this calling yet on this blog. I was called to work with the cub scouts way back in, like, March or something. I am a co-den leader (with two other wonderful women, thank goodness!) for the wolves in our stake, which is the 8-year-old boys. I like them because it’s their first year and they’re still young and enthusiastic about everything. It was super overwhelming at first because I have no idea how to work with 8-year-old boys, but I’ve eased my way into it and it’s not so bad now. We even have a fair bit of fun, though they have tons more energy than I do!

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