Ready for the world: ARegistryFor.Us

December 9, 2009 11:55 pm

As many of our readers know, I built a registry website which we used for our wedding registry. The main reason for going through this hoopla was that there wasn’t a good online wedding registry website that didn’t also solicit the people visiting your registry for their email address. I found this to be unacceptable and thus created my own (harvesting emails to send ads to my friends and family is just not cool).

At the time, I had made the visitor-side look fairly nice and clean, but hadn’t spent any time polishing up the user-side. I’ve been working on finishing this up since the middle of November and now things have come together pretty well. So, go ahead and take a look at the site: ARegistryFor.Us. But, bear in mind that I’m not a marketing goon, so the “marketing” material on the home page is probably pretty low-quality. If you’ve got suggestions, or are a marketing goon and would like to give me some tips, feel free.

Also, if you know anyone who’s getting married and might be interested let them know of this option.

Oh, also, please let me know if it doesn’t seem to display properly for you. I don’t really have access to a bunch of different browsers and operating systems to test on.

One thought on “Ready for the world: ARegistryFor.Us”

  1. A friend of mine loves public library computers for usability testing because they always seem to be using outdated browsers and operating systems.

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