Appeasement still doesn’t work

February 28, 2025 2:21 pm

If you, like me, have been hearing a very consistent new wave of rhetoric amounting to “compromise for peace–the dying has to stop” regarding Ukraine then you should understand that this is direct Russian propaganda. The entire purpose of the message is to use feigned humanitarian concern to get you thinking past the sale. The sale is, “Russia takes more Ukrainian territory.” And the feigned humanitarian concern is a cudgel to beat anyone who disagrees via responses like, “How many more people are you going to make die?! And for what, some scrap of land?!”

This can be difficult to respond to because, OF COURSE, decent people don’t want more death, destruction, and suffering. It takes an awareness of history to understand that appeasement of expansionist dictators has never led to lasting peace. The only chance for sustained peace and stability is to ensure that this war ends with Russia unconditionally leaving Ukrainian territory–which Russia can do unilaterally. And international pressure should be entirely on Russia to do so without compromise.

Otherwise we’ll be right back here when Russia takes yet another territory in a few years. Like they took Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014. Appeasement didn’t work in 1938, it didn’t work in 2008, it didn’t work in 2014. It won’t work in 2025. But Russian propaganda is blasting out, “Peace for our time” and millions of Americans are parroting it.

COVID-19: Part 53

January 20, 2021 7:52 pm
  • Quarantine Day 310
  • Livermore cases: 3,524
  • Alameda County cases: 66,219; deaths: 766
  • U.S. cases: 24,135,000+; deaths: 400,000+

Inauguration Day. I am pleasantly surprised to say that we got through the day without any violence. I did not expect that was likely to happen. Also, apparently many of the disconnected-from-reality conspiracy theorists are starting to wonder if their delusions are actually real since Trump slunk away this morning (the coward didn’t even attend the inauguration) and Biden was actually sworn in as president (they had been convincing themselves the inauguration was an elaborate set up by Trump to seize power [why they thought _that_ would be a good idea, I don’t know]).

But here’s Trump’s legacy: Over 400,000 Americans dead from a preventable disease because he failed to act and intentionally did the opposite of the best available medical advice. Impeached twice. Incited an insurrection and attack on the legislative branch of the federal government. No doubt a strong contender for the title of “worst president in U.S. history.”

But he’s gone, for the moment, and we can at least get back to a time when government is boring again.

The first weekend of the year we went on a hike at Brushy Peak Regional Preserve. The clouds were still hanging low over the hills which made it kind of fun (especially more fun than being in the sun).

We stopped for a rest at the top of a hill. Corinne came prepared with a book and asked me to read some while she rested. So here I am reading to Heather and Corinne.

I went for a bike ride on the 16th and rode along part of the arroyo. I took my camera and spent some time practicing “seeing” and I managed to capture this feather floating on the water which I rather like. There were two feathers floating around–spinning and swirling across the water in the wind. So I just kept snapping pictures as they went. This one came out best.

On the 17th we went on another family hike. This time we went up to Morgan Territory (regional preserve) which we’ve never been to before. There was one section of our short hike that I really liked. Trees and rocks and moss! It felt almost a little like New England. If there’s more like it up there I’ll probably want to go there more often, but the drive is pretty bad. 10 miles or so of one-lane road winding up into the hills. Pretty dicey passing at times if there are two wide vehicles.

Mount Diablo framed by trees in Morgan Territory

Our friends, and former social bubble buddies, have had confirmed COVID-19 for the last week or so. We haven’t seen them since the beginning of December when the health orders were tightened up and social gatherings were banned. They seem to be doing okay, so that’s good.

Other than that, not much happening. We pretty much don’t go anywhere, and we pretty much don’t do anything. Our county is still on “purple” tier and the region is still on “lockdown” orders due to low available ICU capacity.

Memo for the Joint Force

January 12, 2021 3:27 pm

I’m astounded by this. Just floored that we’re at a point where the 8 Joint Chiefs of Staff of the military have found it necessary to issue a public statement reminding the members of the military that interfering with Constitutional processes is a violation of both the law and their oath as soldiers.

If there was anyone that is still part of reality that was wondering if things are serious or are Democrats just milking the insurrection to score political points, this should put that to bed. Trump’s own appointed military commanders have called out the attack on the Capitol and referred to it as sedition and insurrection.

If you are someone who has somehow fallen into the toxic morass of Qanon conspiracy theories, read this letter. It is short and unambiguous. There is NO secret plan by “loyalists” at the top of the military to arrest Democrats and install Trump as dictator like you’ve been told and as you’re hoping and believing. It’s not real. You need to wake up and rejoin reality before you destroy your life, the lives of your friends and families, and your country by following the lies of nameless, faceless lunatics hiding on the Internet.

A Stain Upon our Democracy

January 6, 2021 4:42 pm

Today will forever be seen as stain upon our democracy.

After two months of refusing to admit his complete and utter defeat in the election and multiple attempts to overturn the results without any basis, supporters of President Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol building today, broke into the Senate chambers, and were held out of the House chambers by a makeshift barricade and armed guards with weapons leveled at the attackers. One person was shot and killed, but the circumstances of the death have not been released. The photos and videos, like this one, from inside the capitol building will be burned into our countries minds for a generation.

Police with guns drawn watch as protesters try to break into the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) – obtained from NPR website.

Unfortunately, instead of a tragic failure of our nation’s ability to accept disagreement, many will likely see these images as a rallying cry to escalate further–to claim that these attackers are heroes rather than traitors.

I worked from my closet this morning (as usual) and then came out to the kitchen to exercise and then make lunch. I put a pan on the stove to make a grilled-cheese sandwich and then opened my tablet to check Reddit to see that the topmost was a rapidly evolving thread about these terrorists having invaded the Capitol building after breaking past barricades and then breaking inside while skirmishing with the Capitol Police. It was unreal.

Both chambers were in session at the time certifying the results of the election. Many politicians evacuated to safe locations. People trapped inside the House chambers were issued gas masks and told to hide behind any available cover while the guards barricaded the door.

NPR, accurately, referred to them as “insurrectionists” in their coverage: “The insurrectionists interrupted proceedings in the House and Senate, as members of Congress were tallying President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory.” –

At least one suspected explosive device was discovered within the Capitol building. (That was apparently a false report amidst the confusion of the day.) Another at the Republican National Committee headquarters. And another at the Democratic National Comittee headquarters.

Throughout all this Georgia’s special runoff elections were both called in favor of the Democrats ending the Republican’s control of the Senate over the last 6 years. Both races were incredibly close and this will almost certainly be used to add even more fuel to the inferno of a dumpster fire that is raging within the Republican party right now.

Trump repeated just this week the insane claims that he didn’t actually lose because the election was stolen from him, despite all available evidence after two months of turning over every possible stone. He continues to fan the flames and feed conspiracy theories and his followers are no longer part of reality. I am incredibly concerned for what may happen on Inauguration Day when Trump’s position of power evaporates and Biden is sworn in as president. Many of these insurrectionists are already nose-deep in delusions of grandeur that they’re true patriots defending democracy (by attempting to overturn democratic elections). Assuredly some of them will engage in campaigns of violence to try and get their way.

Watching the Senate reconvene tonight to finish certifying the election results. McConnell called the attackers “insurrectionists” in his remarks. Schumer called out Trump for enflaming the situation and encouraging the insurrectionists to gather in DC and demand the election be overturned.

Twitter locked Trump’s account for 12 hours for inciting violence.

VP Pence was the one to authorize deployment of the National Guard more than two hours into the invasion.

I missed earlier that shortly before the insurrection, Trump addressed a rally down the road and told his followers to go to the Capitol and stop them from stealing the election from him. He is proximately responsible for this and not just generally responsible.

Dear America

February 7, 2020 9:16 pm

What we saw happen today is what we call a purge. It’s what dictators do to consolidate power, punish disloyalty, and intimidate future opposition. The Republican party has been dismantled and rebuilt as a party of personal loyalty to Trump. A man who pardons war criminals and human-rights violators and fires anyone who speaks up.

We are in dangerous times. Even a cursory study of history makes that clear. If you like his politics that’s one thing; but replacing everyone in the government with people who are personally loyal and obedient to a person rather than the principles of democracy can only end badly.

Please take a moment to reflect on how you would truly feel if you watched these events and the party labels attached to the participants were reversed.

Crossposted from Facebook.