This was our second attempt at pizza. Last week didn’t go so well, the crust had trouble. But this week was a lot better. I overstretched it so I kind of had to flop it over on itself to get it to fit on the pizza stone, but it still tasted pretty good. I’m still working on the whole making it circular thing too. The crust we used had some reviews saying it was bland, so I added some honey and Italian seasoning which worked out great.
Tag: life
The Squeeze
I keep hearing on the radio and Internet about how the economy is recovering from the recession. The stock market is back up and high-end retail sales are up and unemployment numbers may, possibly, perhaps, might be starting to turn around. But I haven’t seen any evidence that things are actually getting any better. In fact, all the evidence I’ve seen suggests things will only be getting worse.
For instance, in December 2010 the Secretary of Energy announced that DOE employees and DOE contractors (which I fall into) will have a pay freeze in effect until January 2013. That means my income is not likely to change. However, since December 2010 all of our expenses have gone up not insignificantly.
Gas prices here are nearing $4 a gallon and all expectations suggest that they will continue to rise. In December, they were around the $3 per gallon mark. So we have to absorb a 33% (and possibly higher) increase in gas prices with no possibility of wage increases.
We don’t have cable or satellite television, but we do have a Netflix subscription. The price of the same Netflix plan increased from $9 to $11 per month—a 22% increase for the same service.
Our Internet connection increased by $5 per month with no upgrade in service—a 14% increase.
Food prices have been steadily increasing over the last several months. For instance, a head of lettuce used to be about $1.50. This week I decided not to buy it because the lettuce was up to $3 a head and the heads were probably about 2/3 the previous size. I understand there is apparently a nationwide lettuce problem, but in a more general nature we used to get by on about $80 per week in groceries, but the last several weeks have been closer to $100.
Now, this isn’t to say that we’re struggling. We’re still very blessed to be able to put the same amount of money into savings each paycheck and contribute to our retirement account at the same level we have been. But we are having to make some adjustments to maintain the balance. We’ve been doing a lot better about not eating at Panda Express as often as we used to (within walking distance, so tasty, so hard to resist). And the Social Security payroll tax reduction that went into effect in January has also helped soften the blow of rising prices.
But all the pundits that keep pretending things are getting better don’t seem to be living in the same world as us. We’re not going to be increasing our spending on non-essentials so long as necessities keep going up in price. Of course, Netflix is a luxury we can live without (and we’re paying for it out of our luxury spending), but Internet access is very close to essential these days, and I don’t like having to sacrifice fresh produce (I like lettuce on my sandwiches and tacos!).
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day this year was fairly standard. I always find it humorous to see the guys dressed like thugs trying to act tough while they’re waiting in line with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates at the grocery store.
Surprisingly, Livermore has more than 1 (and at least 3!) gourmet cupcake stores. I decided to give one of them a shot and ordered a half-dozen gourmet cupcakes for Jess. I brought them home at lunch, along with some flowers. There were 3 vanilla and 3 chocolate cupcakes. The chocolate ones had a cream filling. They were very tasty. Jess happened to like the vanilla more than chocolate and I liked the chocolate more than vanilla, so it worked out well.
For dinner we went to the Cheesecake Factory. We knew it was going to be busy, but it was busier than I expected. We got there around 6 and there was already a 2-hour wait. But, it’s located at the mall, so we just spent the time wandering around the mall. The food was good and we, of course, each ordered a slice of cheesecake to take home and eat once we weren’t completely full.
Victory for the Dickersons!
As many of you probably recall, Jess and I drove to Texas in protest of the TSA grope-a-thon required to fly these days. Before the new, creepier security screening processes were put in place we had purchased airplane tickets with Southwest. When the change occurred I was particularly unhappy. I called Southwest and asked for a refund, which they refused to provide because “we don’t control the TSA; it’s not our fault.”
So I moved to plan B: I filed a charge dispute with my credit card company (CitiBank) and carefully detailed why I considered the scenario to be a breach of contract. They conditionally refunded the money and sent the dispute to Southwest which had 60 days to reply. The reply just came through and my refund has been made permanent! Hooray!
On a related note, an update about the letters we sent to the airlines and government officials. Every airline responded with a written answer. Most were along the lines of “it’s not our fault, we can’t do anything about it.” But the response from American Airlines was very simple and direct:
Thank you for taking the time to contact us about the recent changes that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has made to checkpoint security screening procedures. We are monitoring our customers’ feedback on this issue very closely, and we thank you for providing us with your impressions.
They’re the only airline that didn’t simply deflect the issue away from themselves. I appreciate that. The airlines claim they have no control over the matter and, ostensibly, they don’t. However, they do have rather influential lobbying efforts which could certainly be brought to bear on the situation. And that’s the goal I’m going for. If they get enough pressure and begin losing enough customers they will find a way to reign in the TSA.
Now for the responses I got back from the government officials. We wrote letters, (physical letters!), to our two Senators, our House Representative, the TSA, the FAA, and the President. We received exactly zero replies. In over two months not a single person, organization, or office responded to our concerns. No form letters, no acknowledgement of any kind. That really kind of bothers me.
The fact that no part of the government could be bothered to even acknowledge our concerns is why I have very little faith that anything will change until the airlines start lobbying for it. I’ve now learned very poignantly how little my opinion matters to the people who are elected to represent my interests.
Thanks America, you’re really doing a bang-up job with that democratic republic business.
So the scores are:
-1 to Southwest for denying me the refund when I asked for it on the phone.
+1 to Southwest for not denying the charge dispute when I filed it with my credit card company.
+1 to CitiBank for taking care of this for me (using a credit card does have some great benefits).
-100 to the TSA for implementing stupid “security” rules.
+2 to the Dickersons who successfully received a refund from a large company.
+5 to airlines for acknowledging my complaint.
-20 to government officials/organizations for not acknowledging my existence.
Christmas time is here
Per Jess’ traditions we needed to decorate the tree today (today being the first Saturday in December). This, of course, necessitates having a tree to decorate. So we had to go and get a tree. Per Dickerson traditions this requires cutting our tree down ourselves after trudging around in the snow at least until you can’t feel your toes, preferably until someone is crying. Unfortunately, California weather doesn’t really cooperate with those requirements (though I suppose we could drive into the mountains far enough if necessary).
So instead we headed out to the Christmas tree farm that we went to last year in the 50 degree sunshine. We found a fairly decent looking tree and I cut it down. And yes, it’s on the side of a hill, which is why the fence is crooked.
In no time at all we had Beatrice (last year’s tree was named Albert, this year’s is Beatrice) tied onto Chloe and ready to travel.
The main difference from last year being that we actually went during the day and not as the sun was setting. Easier to work when you have light. We got the tree home and set it up. TADA!
Check out that spotlight work on the angel.
Jess cheated and slipped some new ornaments into the ornament box as presents for me. Then tried to make me feel stupid for not recognizing them at all. But they are pretty neat. She used a Linux program which will convert a picture into a cross-stitch pattern for you. This one is my Mii from the Wii:
And this is the Linux Penguin, named Tux:
Since I had the camera out and on the tripod already (since I needed the tripod to get decent shots) I started playing with things. Here’s my abstract art of our tree:
And this is what happens when you zoom in on the tree while the exposure is being taken:
We spent some time watching the Livermore Christmas Parade (I suppose it’s probably called the “Holiday Parade” or “Winter Parade” or something, but it does end with Santa). And we watched The Muppet Christmas Carol while decorating.
Oh! And we hung up our stockings! Jess’ mom made her children stockings and last year made one for me too, so Jess and I have matching stockings. They’re quite lovely.