Park Day

November 6, 2013 4:43 pm

Some friends from church and I take our kids to one of the many local parks every Thursday morning. It’s a fabulous excuse to get out of the house and let Heather run around.

She likes to swing, but only for 15 seconds at a time. Or less.

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Mostly, Heather runs around on the playground equipment, scaring me to death all too frequently. She doesn’t realize that she can’t do certain things, so I used to have to spend a lot of time keeping her from walking off edges. But now, she’s doing things I hadn’t realized she could do! The tables have turned.

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Heather’s First Haircut

4:18 pm

I decided it was time for Heather to get a haircut. The length was fine, but since it had never been cut, it was starting to look pretty mullet-ish. It needed some shaping.

I found a cute little kids’ salon in downtown Livermore.


They have adorable little seats for the kiddos: a Thomas the Tank Engine, and a Lightning McQueen car. Thomas even had buttons to push and a wheel to turn that kept Heather busy.

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Here’s the after shot. Honestly, it didn’t seem like there was very much difference. But I’ve noticed, as I’ve had more time to look at it, that it is definitely better. Less shaggy in the back, and a better shape overall.

P1000145asHeather had fun, and we even got a cute little certificate, complete with a lock of her hair attached.

Pumpkin Patch

3:50 pm

We went on a little jaunt to a local pumpkin patch at the beginning of October. Heather liked the wagons.

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This picture was taken before I was warned that amongst all those pumpkins, she could fall and stab herself on one of the pumpkin stems. And that we should get out.

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Climbing on a pyramid of hay bales! With airplane arms!

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They had some animals, too—including chickens! Her very favorite.


We dared to return to the pumpkins for one last pic. We live on the edge.


Miscellaneous Sept.

3:45 pm

Just some miscellaneous pictures from the month of September.

Story time with Daddy:


Occasionally, Heather will decide she needs to look at my book instead of one of hers.


Playing with bubbles:

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Reading on the couch with Mama. One of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon.


Honeydew, like a big girl. Yum.

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Modeling her new coat:

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More afternoon book time. And yes, that is a clothes hamper filled with balloons behind her.

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Our little traveler:

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Lastly, a video of her playing with leftover birthday balloons: