CA Proposition 16 – Fairness

October 10, 2020 2:10 pm

Before we start I want to make clear the effort I put into considering the concept of “fairness.” I’ve academically studied cooperative decision-making of multi-agent systems. Over the past year I read John Rawls’ political treatise “Justice as Fairness.” I’ve been working my way through T. M. Scanlon’s “What we Owe to each Other.” Along with many other works considering cooperation vs competition, human social structures, sociology, and psychology.

I’m interested not just in providing fairness, but understanding what “fair” is. I’m not saying I’m an expert, but that if you disagree with me at least consider that I have given the matter serious thought and that I’m probably not just a blithering idiot.

Recently I read “The Penguin and the Leviathan” by Yochai Benkler. The overall theme is how cooperative social structures survive and thrive in human society. But the specific thing I want to discuss here is from chapter 6: “Equal Halves: Fairness in Cooperation.”

I couldn’t start the conversation any better than this excerpt:

In looking through the experimental economics and social psychology literature, it seems that when we care about “fairness” we really care about three distinct things: fairness of outcomes, fairness of intentions, and fairness of processes. With regard to outcomes, we care about how much each of us gets out of an interaction relative to others, given the generally understood norms. For intentions, we particularly care when the outcomes are not “fair” given generally understood conventions for the situation, whether the unfair outcome was intentionally brought about or not. And as for processes, we care whether the way in which the outcome was achieved was fair or not, whatever the outcome and the intentions of the people involved.

Benkler goes on to describe the research data that attempts to tease out how people apply different concepts of fairness based on situational concerns, cultural backgrounds, and other individualized factors.

I found this chapter interesting because it brought clarity to discussions I’ve had with people in the past when we were both talking about what would be “fair” but seemed to come to completely different conclusions given the same data. I realize that for myself I innately interpret “fairness” to mean “fairness of processes.” I say “innately” because it seems so obvious to me that this should be what “fairness” is that it’s hard to see any argument against it.

Fairness of processes. Regardless of who you are, where you came from, the color of your skin, the manner of your speech, or how much money you have; under the same circumstances you should receive the same treatment. Is this not the embodiment of “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…”? Surely this is the standard for which we should strive in the systems and structures we design and implement in the world around us.

Seeing a discussion of the academic research makes it clear that, no, many people don’t see it that way. And this is where things rapidly become messy.

So what does this have to do with Proposition 16?

Proposition 16 proposes to remove the following section (and some related text) from the California Constitution:

The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.

In my eyes this entirely hinges around interpreting “fairness” to mean “fairness of processes,” “fairness of outcomes,” or “fairness of intentions.” I see that section of the constitution to be a huge win for “fairness of processes.” Of course the state shouldn’t get to discriminate based on those concepts. However, opponents instead see that language as an impediment to “fairness of outcomes” in which they want to subvert “fairness of processes” to attempt to correct for unfairness in origin. I’m not sure how a “fairness of intentions” would interpret the proposition. Perhaps either way, seeing that the intentions behind keeping the text and removing the text are both to create fairness in treatment for citizens of California in which there may be adverse outcomes for some members of the population.

The repeal-this-section outlook seems to suggest that if a racer starts further away from the finish line we should make part of their lane a moving sidewalk to help them catch up. Whether one interprets such actions as producing a contest that’s more “fair” is in the eye of the beholder (setting aside whether it would make the race more interesting to watch).

My goal isn’t to create an argument about affirmative action, but to try to provide a light on why this discussion is so difficult to have in the first place: What people mean by “fair” can be fundamentally different.

Personally I see removing that language from the constitution to be a bad thing. It undermines “fairness of process” which is how I view fairness as a baseline. I think impinging on “fairness of process” in an attempt to improve “fairness of outcome” is fraught with dangers. One of which will be alienating those people that see “fair” as “fairness of processes;” another being that when the process is known to not be fair then it incentivizes people to misrepresent themselves in order to obtain the more favorable treatment.

An example of people misrepresenting themselves to take advantage of an “unfair process” happened in Disney parks. Disney would allow groups that included visitors with disabilities to skip long lines for attractions. Though implemented with the best of intentions, unscrupulous visitors began taking advantage of this “unfairness of process” by hiring disabled persons to guide them around the parks skipping lines for their own personal convenience at the expense of everyone waiting patiently in line.

I give this example not to say that Disney shouldn’t have this accommodation (though in response to the opportunists I believe they changed the accommodation to only allow the disabled guest and a buddy to skip the lines). My point is that when you intentionally design “unfairness of processes” people will take advantage to set themselves even further ahead and you have to be able to address that or risk further alienating those who are not advantaged by the system.

I don’t have any grand answer to these issues. Which is why I fall back on “fairness of processes” because I think that in many situations the ability to define admissible metrics and clearly manage all the confounding variables in order to “fairly” subvert “fairness of processes” with the goal of improving “fairness of outcomes” is intractable and it’s simpler to implement fair processes and then attempt to deal with the inherent unfairnesses of life in programs run outside the official processes of government.

A final thought on the matter is that one should consider what happens if people who might act contrary to your goals were in charge with your rules. Were the government run by a group that was actively racist or sexist or some other manner of discrimination, would you feel more comfortable with this clause being in the constitution or it being removed? I’d certainly sleep better knowing that malevolence could be contained by constituional protections.

COVID-19: Part 46

1:52 pm
  • Quarantine Day 208
  • Livermore cases: 944
  • Alameda County cases: 21,217; deaths: 431
  • U.S. cases: 7,641,000+; deaths: 213,000+

Air quality was lousy again for most of the past couple of weeks. It’s finally good again and the temperature is down. So we actually have the windows open today.

President Trump was hospitalized with COVID-19 a week ago. He received multiple experimental treatments (but not hydroxychloroquine which just a few months ago he was touting as a miracle cure) as well as what’s apparently a pretty heavy-duty steroid. He left the hospital a few days later claiming to be all better, but it was quite obvious in the news videos that he was having difficulty breathing just standing outside before walking in to the White House.

Something like over 30 people connected to the White House have tested positive. Which is really no surprise since they’ve been apparently avoiding taking just about any precautionary measures.

The second debate was supposed to be next week. In response to Trump being infected it was changed to a having them participate remotely. For reasons no one can explain, Trump threw a fit about this and the debate was canceled. But maybe that has more to do with his performance at the first debate being widely considered to mark a new low in American politics for basic decency and decorum.

We finally played through the final Dragon Strike adventure. Ivy and Beryl, with assistance from Halbarad, Fili, and Tramii, confronted Darkfyre. They defeated the dragon and rescued the queen. The kingdom celebrated, parties were held, and Pluck, the bard of Addleston, sang a special song in honor of the heroes.

It was a ton of work to write the story line and design each of the adventures and my creative juices are pretty much dried up at this point. But Heather had a ton of fun. We may investigate a Dungeons and Dragons starter kit at some point once I’m not burned out on it.

Alameda County has moved from purple down to red on the state’s reopening plan. Which means that school districts can begin limited reopening of elementary schools if they choose. Livermore is still considering whether to do so or not. Not really sure how to feel about it. If the medical data says it can be done with minimal risk, then that’s probably fine. My only request is that it be done based on medical reality and not on the vocality of the groups demanding one or the other.

A right-wing domestic terrorist group was arrested this week on charges of actively plotting and working towards kidnapping and assassinating the governor of Michigan. Their complaint against her apparently being that she’s been trying to institute basic, medically-supported, public-health measures to save lives during a global pandemic. Morons have convinced themselves that such actions are oppression on par with gassing people in death camps.

COVID-19: Part 45

September 26, 2020 11:23 am
  • Quarantine Day 194
  • Livermore cases: 880
  • Alameda County cases: 20,346; deaths: 395
  • U.S. cases: 7,009,000+; deaths: 203,000+

Our air has finally cleared (though plenty of fires still burn throughout the state). We had actually blue skies this week for the first time in what feels like months.

I decided it really need to be fall around here so I bought some fall-themed t-shirts to wear and ordered an 8-foot tall, artificial maple tree and set it up in the living room. It also lights up. I didn’t really care about it lighting up, but that’s what I found and it actually creates a nice ambiance at night. I can turn the tree lights on and my fake fireplace lights and it makes the living room a bit cozier. Jess ordered some new curtains and hung up her fall, crocheted things garland. So it feels a little more like fall around here and not perpetual March.

We went and got flu shots yesterday. The drive-in clinic took an hour and a half and Heather had a full-fledged freak out when it came time to get her shot, but we made it through.

I’ve gone to work on site a few more times recently to get some more things done. But I’ve mostly been continuing to work from my closet.

Two weekends ago (Sunday the 13th) Corinne had a fever after complaining of joint pain the day before. The advice nurse told us to keep treating her symptoms and to call back if she got worse. Her fever continued through Monday, but she seemed to be fine by Tuesday and she’s completely fine now. No one else has exhibited any similar symptoms.

My friends group tried to play more Dragon Strike on Thursday but the technology was not cooperating so we couldn’t do it.

Since last weekend was Jess’ birthday we didn’t play the final Dragon Strike adventure, maybe we’ll do that tomorrow.

Jess’ Birthday 2020

10:47 am

Jess wanted to go to the beach for her birthday. So we packed into the van with our social-bubble buddies and headed out to Half Moon Bay. We pre-ordered some sandwiches from Subway and ate lunch next to the ocean.

The girls had a blast playing in the water and people were generally pretty good about distancing and mask wearing. The parking lot was full, but it didn’t feel really crowded. Maybe that’s because it was foggy and you couldn’t see very far down the length of the beach.

Corinne eventually got cold and fell asleep hunched over on the sand.

Then she decided that on me was the only acceptable place to rest.

Once we’d had our fill of the beach we went to get gelato. This was a tactical mistake. The gelato shop was up the road away from the route home. And the way back was bumper-to-bumper traffic of people trying to head home from the coast.

So a short gelato trip added over an hour of additional drive time to get home (which is only about 1 hour anyway). But we eventually got home at which point it was dinner time. We had to parallelize our remaining celebrations in order to get things done in time for the girls’ bedtime. Jess got the girls bathed while I heated up some chicken strips for them to eat. Then Jess blew out candles (all 40 of them!) on the cake I made and opened presents. By that time our dinner order was ready so I went to pick that up while Jess got the girls in bed.

Jess decided that my birthday cake is so good that she should have it for her birthday too. So that’s the cake I made–chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, complete with Kyle’s special, vanilla-cream filling.

And that’s 3 of 4 family birthdays this year celebrated under the ongoing stay-at-home order and it looks like Heather’s will be the same.

COVID-19: Part 44

September 9, 2020 8:55 pm
  • Quarantine Day 177
  • Livermore cases: 822
  • Alameda County cases: 19,004; deaths: 297
  • U.S. cases: 6,310,000+; deaths: 189,000+

The fires immediately near Livermore are all out at this point. But many are burning throughout California, Oregon, and Washington. A massive amount of smoke is suspended in the atmosphere over the entire West Coast. Today, our light levels didn’t exceed twilight except briefly around 4PM we peaked at ~160 watts/m2 solar irradiance (a normal day at this time of year would be ~775 w/m2). It was incredibly dim and the light was very orange. I tried to get some pictures with my phone, but it didn’t capture the color and I was too busy working to spend more time with the real camera.

The air is also full of ash. So much so that you could actually see in the air while standing outside. Also the world had the quiet of a light snowfall when the particles in the air dampen sound. It was all around a very weird day. Here’s the ash on my car this morning:

Oddly, the air quality at ground level actually was pretty good. And since the sky was blotted out it was also quite cool. So today we had the windows open for the first time in 2 months.

Over the weekend it was really hot, about 110F on Sat, Sun, and Mon. Megan wanted us to try to fry an egg outside. So I put my baking steel out in the sun and after an hour it was up to 154F. I cracked on egg on it around 3pm and let it “cook” for about 2 hours. It never really cooked so much as dried up enough to hold its shape.

I still haven’t finished preparing the final Dragon Strike adventure, so that hasn’t occurred yet. I’m getting there, but there’s still more to do.

School’s been going pretty well. Heather has been doing a great job of being responsible for her class time. She gets logged in for all of her meetings throughout the day without any muss or fuss which has been incredibly helpful. Corinne hasn’t been super excited about her class meetings, but luckily the school schedule recognizes that kindergartners will struggle with online classes so her morning meeting is 20 minutes and each day she has a small-group meeting of 35 minutes. She works on individual work throughout the remaining time. So Jess has gotten to step into the role of teacher, especially for Corinne, but for Heather as well.

It’s not ideal, but it’s working, and it’s a better solution than having a bunch of people get ill and either end up in the hospital or die just for the convenience of doing schooling in person.

I don’t see how trick-or-treating will be a good idea for Halloween this year. It may be time for the Halloween Witch to join the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. She’ll travel the country “trick-or-treating” by leaving a bag of treats for kids who wear costumes and tricks for those who don’t. I guess we’ll see. Maybe we’ll miraculously get the infection rate down and it won’t be an issue, but the latest modeling suggests things will only continue to get worse for the length of the modeling window (out to Jan 1st at this point).