Nostalgia for the Future

February 8, 2010 11:07 am

This morning the Endeavour orbiter launched from pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center carrying people and equipment into space. Only four more shuttle launches will occur and the fleet of orbiters will be retired in mid-September. When that happens, America will lose the ability to put a man in space.

Many will argue that putting people in space or on the moon is/was pointless and a waste of money. Those with this attitude will kindly turn their attention to the list of NASA spin-off technologies. This list includes (among many others) LEDs, in-ear thermometers, and improved water purification systems. There are also countless other improvements in technologies driven by NASA’s need for more efficient and more reliable equipment.

President Obama’s budget plan for 2011 removes all funding for the Constellation Program, which would have led to the development of a new vehicle for transporting humans in to space. If the cancellation of funds occurs (which is pretty close to a sure thing) then the United States will not be able to put people in space for the foreseeable future. This saddens me. We’ve given up on exploring space in any serious manner. We haven’t been to the moon since 1972. All the astronauts still living that walked on the moon are in their 70s. Another ~20 years and there will be no person alive who walked on the moon. Isn’t that kind of sad?

I wasn’t alive when any of the astronauts walked on the moon; but I am still filled with wonder at the idea of stepping foot on a different celestial body. While Star Trek is fiction, I think its tag-line embodies the sense of awe several generations have held about being able to put people into space: “…to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before”. It expresses the desire to seek out knowledge for the sake of learning.

The mission wasn’t “to find and commercialize new civilizations and technologies, to open new markets for our products, to boldy make a buck where no man has made a buck before.” Unfortunately, that seems to be mantra of our society. NASA operates on a shoestring budget, the National Labs have (essentially) been privatized to focus on making money (goodbye long-term original research projects to discover more about the universe), public education is about rubber stamping every kid’s high-school diploma, and being educated is nerdy and undesirable.

I miss the future we were promised as kids. A world where space exploration was common. A world where man’s search for knowledge and understanding overcame petty differences of culture and societal status.


I’ve always wanted to watch a shuttle launch and time is running out. Jess and I are hoping to take a trip to see the final flight of the Atlantis orbiter in May.

On September 24, 2010, when the Discovery lands, marking the end of U.S. manned spaceflight, I hope everyone can pause for a moment to reflect on what we’ve lost.

Photo Class

February 5, 2010 1:42 pm

I had a migraine all yesterday, so I considered not going to photography class last night. I started feeling a bit better after dinner, though, so I decided to try and tough it out. I’m glad I did, too, because it was a great class. It was on composition, which was one I’d really been looking forward to. I lucked out, too, in that the guest speaker left some of the lights on during his PowerPoint presentation, which helped a lot. I think I’m starting to see how some of these rules actually make your pictures more pleasing and aren’t just arbitrary things that somebody made up once upon a time. Maybe. Anyway, here are the pics I took for critiquing last night. They’re both of a tree outside our apartment.

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Eternal life? Not on my watch!

February 4, 2010 1:56 pm

Last night was our ward temple night, but Kyle and I decided to do sealings instead of a session. That was a nice change, plus we didn’t actually remember much from our own sealing, so it was good to kind of get a refresher on what all happened. 🙂 Anyway, the fountain is normally turned off by the time we get out of our session, but since we were done earlier, it was still on, which led to us wandering around the grounds a bit.

391838097_0995eab37bYou can actually walk up some stairs and get up on a level next to that relief of Jesus and the apostles, where you can walk clear around the temple. There are flowers and some trees and such up there, and I bet it’s really pretty when they’re in bloom.

So we’re walking along and we come around the side and there’s this gorgeous view out over the lights of the city and you can see the bay and some bridges and it’s really pretty. I kept walking along, and I heard this really drawn-out crrrrrunch. I had gone another couple of steps before I realized it wasn’t just a leaf or something. Looking back, I saw this huge…something…that I had now tracked along with me, and it was wet. I made Kyle go back and assess the situation (I really didn’t want a close-up view), and he confirmed that I’d just murdered a ginormous snail. Like, massive. It must’ve been a great-great-grandaddy, and I’d just done my impression of the Witch from Into the Woods on it. Cruuuuuuush. At least I didn’t eat it?

I apologized profusely, explaining that I’d just done a lot of good work, but I don’t think it helped. 🙁 I felt so bad. Poor thing was probably told that if it went to the temple, it’d live forever, and along comes me. Jess the Snail-Smasher. I’m such a jerk.


Photography Class

January 28, 2010 11:41 pm

Jess and I found the local camera club and signed up to be in their photography class offered through Park & Rec. The first class was last week and was a bit of overview and instruction on all the features the cameras have, what they mean, and how to adjust them.

Tonight’s class was about lighting and how it will affect the quality and mood of your photos. It’s pretty fun. They ask students to bring pictures each week so they can show them on the projector and provide a light critique to help us improve. Jess and I both received very favorable reviews on our pictures.

I wanted to take a composed shot from a figurine lit with candles. However, options are kind of limited in terms of what you can do when you don’t own a tripod or any other fancy/handy equipment. I was able to get a really nice picture though. I used a stack of books as my tripod, and my background is the carpet and a beige throw hung over a music stand:
IMGP0155Jess took these two pictures of some flowers I gave her in celebration of HollyDay:
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HollyDay 2010

11:36 pm

We’ve decided to call January 26 a “HollyDay” (Jess’ middle name is Holly), as it marks the anniversary of the day Jess was released from the hospital with a vote of confidence that she was officially no longer dying.

We celebrated by having dinner at an Italian restaurant in Pleasanton, and then swinging by the Cheesecake Factory to bring home dessert.

I think it’s safe to say that things are rather different now than they were a year ago—and rather for the better.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m glad Jess survived.