
September 24, 2011 7:56 pm

My new birth certificate arrived today! That was completely unexpected—I assumed it would be weeks at least. But it’s here. I am once more valid. Huzzay!

Fun fact: It was issued on my birthday (of this year). How very cosmic.

P.S. It lists my name as Jessica Holly Johnson Olsen. That’s not a problem, right?

It’s my birthday, shout HOORAY!

September 22, 2011 2:49 pm

Monday was my 31st birthday. It was a pretty good one, too! Kyle hung up the birthday banner for me before he went to work, and when he came home for lunch, he brought me flowers and balloons! I spent a couple hours that afternoon with some friends (one of whom I share a birthday with). When Kyle got home, he finished up my cake (funfetti with cherry frosting*) and we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was good, but I think they’ve increased their portion sizes—it was a ton of food! We relaxed at home for a bit, then had cake and opened presents. It was a fun day, and the best kind of birthday—one that made me feel special.


*You may recall that for my first birthday after we got married, I requested a white cake with cherry frosting. And that even though Kyle drove all over Livermore, he couldn’t find any, and we had to make do with cream cheese. Well, the next year, he made me a cheesecake, so it wasn’t an issue. But this year, Kyle got online and found that the Target in San Ramon carries it! Now, San Ramon isn’t super nearby, but I was having my final biofeedback appointment out there in just a couple of days, so I stopped in a picked up 3 cans (you never know when you’re going to need some!). Kyle seemed really surprised by just how pink cherry frosting is, and it is his opinion that it smells more like cherries than it tastes like them. I just know it’s yummy. OH, and I almost forgot: I talked Kyle into buying these candles that we saw at the grocery store with colored flames. How cool is that? Pretty cool. Granted, the flames are not as vibrant in color as the box indicated, but they still looked awesome.

In other news, I had another ultrasound yesterday to check the baby’s growth. I’ve been getting worried that she’s breech or something and huge, so it was good to find out that she’s head down and measuring right on schedule. And she kept sticking her tongue out at us! So cute. And her due date is just 4 weeks from tomorrow!

I have had a cold for a little over a week now, and it sucks. I had been feeling a bit better the last few days, but today it is killing me again. My throat hurts, my head is all stuffed up, and I am so tired. I don’t like this regression.

Also, in case you were wondering, yes, being pregnant during the summer sucks. I completely realize that it could be lots worse than it is here in California, but it is still true that it has been an unusually warm summer for us. Way too much time spent way too close to 100 degrees (or more). I am not coping well.

Well, this blog post took kind of a nosedive here at the end, didn’t it? Don’t worry; even though I can barely breathe and feel like I haven’t stopped sweating since May, life is pretty awesome. 🙂

Chrome rocks my socks!

12:51 pm

Apparently the whole I-need-a-new-birth-certificate issue kind of got left out of my blogging. So now I have to fill in backstory before I can tell you the latest developments.

I dutifully got online in July to request my new birth certificate. The main hangup here is that Puerto Rico’s government website is largely in Spanish (in a lot of places you can click to an English version, but not all of them). Fortunately, I did it while Josh was visiting (yes, this was back in July 2010) and he helped me get around the Spanish stuff. Basically, I just needed to tell them a bunch of info from my original certificate (like my parents’ info) and, oddly enough, stuff that wasn’t on the original (like what city the hospital was in). So that involved a few phone calls to my parents, but we got through it. Uploaded a scan of my photo ID, and done!

Except not really. I got an email 8/2/2010 (so a month later) saying that there was an error. Actually, it said a bunch of Spanish stuff, then it had an English version stating that there was an error. The error itself, however, was not translated, so I had to get some help figuring it out. But the gist of it was that the name on my ID didn’t match the name on my birth certificate (duh, I got married), so to call them so I could send them a copy of my marriage certificate. I could also check my application’s status if I followed this link (which took me to, you guessed it, a webpage all in Spanish).

At this point, I have to admit to being really lame. I’ve been really scared to call the phone number they gave because what if nobody there speaks English? Or just has too thick an accent for me to understand? So, yeah, I have let that email sit in my inbox for over a year. I know. I suck. But on Monday, while Kyle was home for lunch, I decided that enough was enough and I was just going to suck it up and call the number. I did. And it rang. And rang. And rang. (You get the idea.) So I hung up and, in my frustration, showed Kyle the original email and the Spanish website they sent me. He told me that if I were using Chrome (I was in Firefox), it’d offer to translate the page for me! So I pulled it up in Chrome and, sure enough, it did! And it worked! Brilliantly! And it turns out that I’ve had the ability to just upload a scan of my marriage certificate, rather than calling and getting an address to mail one to, all this time! So I did that and they now have it and my application is marked as In Process, not Error. Yay! Maybe I’ll get a valid birth certificate before my daughter does!

Probably an Unpopular Opinion

September 11, 2011 1:42 pm

The events of September 11, 2001 were dramatic.  The images were powerful.  For the families and friends of 2,977 people September 12 would be a tough day to face.  I understand that they were feeling pain, grief, anger, and myriad other emotions.

However, I don’t understand why the rest of the country felt so strongly.  Did the entire country become angry and afraid after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995?  After the WTC bombing in 1993?  Or when it was still believed that the crash of TWA flight 800 was a terrorist attack in 1996?  Or after the USS Cole attack in 2000?

For millions upon millions of us, September 12 was much like September 10.  Nothing in particular about our lives had changed.  So why were so many people suddenly afraid, angry, and vengeful?  I wish I knew.  Perhaps it would help me understand why our country vastly overreacted.  Compare the sweeping changes that occurred after September 11 with the changes enacted after those other events.  Having a tough time?  Me too.  Now, admittedly I was much younger for the other events I’ve mentioned.  So if you remember drastic legislation changes and invasions occurring after any of those events, please share.  But I don’t think any such thing did occur.

So why the massive overreaction this time?  And subsequent overreactions at every new (and all failed) attack attempts?  My best guess is that we, as a country, but in particular government leaders, reacted purely out of fear and anger.  And when you make decisions from a place of fear and anger you make bad decisions.

I also think the anger many felt was a actually a desire for vengeance.  I think people felt their opportunity for vengeance (and hopefully justice) had been stolen from them because the assailants died in the attacks as well.  And not only died, but planned to die and welcomed death.  They didn’t feel punishment, they felt rewarded!  I truly wonder if the course of events over the last decade would have been dramatically different if the attacks had occurred in such a way as to allow the attackers to survive.  Then they could have been caught, tried in court, and subjected to sentencing.  Perhaps that would have satisfied the bloodlust of our populace.

Our country changed dramatically after 2001.  But, the attacks themselves didn’t change our country.  We changed our country.  In response to this nebulous, faceless threat we decided it would be acceptable to treat law-abiding citizens like criminals.  We allowed the government to conduct warrant-less wiretaps on U.S. citizens.  We gave up our freedoms because we were afraid.  We invaded 2 countries because we were angry and desired vengeance.  Our anger has resulted in the deaths of over 130,000 civilians in those countries.  Our anger and fear pushed our military to use torture and indefinite incarceration (many times on innocent people).

We pounded our chests and talked about how great we are and why “they” hate us for our freedom and liberty.  Then we quietly disposed of a slew of those freedoms and liberties in the name of “safety.”  Our reaction to 9/11 as a country was a complete disaster.  And our reaction has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, some of the principles we claim to hold dear, and, so far, 10 years of our nation’s focus.

I look around at the absurd paraphernalia being sold everywhere right now that demands we “Never Forget 9/11.”  And I wonder what that’s supposed to mean.  Are loved ones supposed to spend their days focusing on the pain they feel from their loss?  Are the rest of us supposed to spend our days nursing anger and fear?  And I wonder to what end?  Is there anything whatsoever to be gained by never forgetting?

After the attacks I mentioned at the beginning of this post, we, as a nation, mostly moved on and got on with life.  We didn’t pass new laws to violate the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of the citizens (which we claimed were why “they” hated us in the first place) to make some people feel better.  We didn’t start any wars.  We didn’t spend trillions of dollars on changes affecting our daily lives in order to keep us “safe.”  We mourned our losses and pushed forward with life.

Until that happens–until we, as a nation, simply get on with life–we’ll continue to sacrifice our rights, freedoms, and liberties for hollow promises of security.  We’ll continue to respond from places of fear and anger while the world we actually live in crumbles around us from lack of attention.

A Rumination on Science and Education

September 7, 2011 8:21 pm

I’m currently reading a biography of the physicist Richard Feynman (by James Gleick).  So far it’s excellent.  What I’m really fascinated with right now is (at least how Gleick portrays) the progression of science during Feynman’s schooling years (the mid to late 1930s).  The number of high caliber physicists at the time (and the time just leading up to it) is astounding: Einstein, Bohr, Rutherford, Heisenberg, Dirac, Lorentz, Schrödinger, De Broglie, Fermi, Oppenheimer, and I’m probably missing some still.  Those guys are each incredible scientists in their own right and it’s no wonder the understanding of physics changed so dramatically during the 1930s.  The only comparison I can think of is the progression of art during the European Renaissance.

As I’m reading, I can’t help but wonder about what set apart that time period in history from anything since in terms of scientific progression.  Computer Science has a similar vein of tumultuous rapid progression during the era of Turing, von Neumann, Dijkstra, Gödel, Church, Cook, Levin, Kleene, Shannon…But as I’m looking at it, most of these pioneers (in fact, all but Dijsktra) were essentially contemporaries of the physics revolution being discussed.  They all would have been products of the same time period of schooling (whether in the U.S. or Europe).  Which further raises the question of what was so different about the education systems through which these incredible people went?

Sadly, I don’t really have an answer.  But if we’re looking to reform our education system for better results, what better goal than to figure out what was happening in education from about 1910-1935?

But then, maybe it wasn’t the education system at all.  Maybe it was the societal mindset about learning and discovery.  Maybe it was simply that the education system and society didn’t inhibit the intense drive for understanding and innovation that these people felt.  Quoting from page 63 of the book (Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman):

At MIT in the thirties the nerd did not exist; a penholder worn in the shirt pocket represented no particular gaucherie; a boy could not become a figure of fun merely by studying….America’s future scientists and engineers, many of them rising from the working class, valued studiousness without question.

If this is an accurate portrayal of the time period, it certainly helps explain to me why so many incredible scientists were produced during that era.  Gleick describes in one passage of how Feynman and many of his contemporaries grew up reading the Encyclopedia Britannica eager to learn more about the world around them.

They tinkered with, broke, and repaired things–something I think is rarely encouraged these days.  I know this is one of the ways I developed my own interests in science and computers.  I wanted to learn how things worked, so I played with them, changed them, broke them, and attempted to repair them (sometimes successfully).

People are inquisitive by nature.  I think we, as a society, are getting far too good at crushing that inquisitiveness with standardized lesson plans which allow no room for deviation to follow student interests, standardized pedagogy which insists all students learn in the same way, and standardized tests which demand that all students regurgitate their “knowledge” in one, simplified fashion.

If there’s one thing I learned in the years I worked as a T.A. it’s that students assimilate information in incredibly varied ways.  Its hard to come up with new approaches to the material on-the-fly in order to try to help the student make the connection.  But if you don’t, and instead insist on “the one true approach” to the material, the student will fall behind, become discouraged, and lose interest in the subject matter.

We need to encourage the asking of questions and the seeking out of answers by research, experimentation, or otherwise.  We need to foster the innate curiosity, creativity, and inquisitiveness that children have.

I’m not so concerned with the mindless consumption of media or playing of games because our minds need downtime to process and assimilate the world around us.  However, I think the hours spent watching TV and browsing the Internet are more of a symptom than a cause; in that we still seek out “new” things, just in a manner that parents aren’t worried about anyone getting hurt or anything getting broken.  But situations where one might get hurt or something might get broken are, by far, the most likely situations where we might actually learn and remember a lesson.