Today is…just another day, apparently.

October 21, 2011 3:56 pm

Well, today’s the due date. Big whoop. I saw the midwife again on Wednesday, and we’ve still got no progress. Everything looks healthy, though, which is fantastic. I have another appointment this Wednesday, along with a non-stress test (to monitor the baby’s heart rate, movements, etc.) and we can schedule an induction then. I’m still really hoping she comes earlier, though! I don’t want to do this for another week…

The day won’t be a total loss, though: Kyle and I decided we’d go out for dinner tonight if we didn’t have a baby yet. I’m betting we’ll try out our new local California Pizza Kitchen, which never disappoints. And hey, mebbe we’ll require dessert from the Cheesecake Factory next door. Who knows?

Getting close…

October 12, 2011 3:08 pm

Well, it worked! I am over my cold. Finally. Of course, I had a migraine all last week, just to keep me from getting anything done or being any use to anyone, but that’s gone now, too. So now I’m trying to get all the stuff done that I thought I’d be doing a month or so ago, like deep cleaning the apartment. This is tricky because I don’t have a lot of energy or ease of mobility at this point, but I’m making progress. And Kyle, of course, is a huge help—he cleaned our carpets over the weekend while I laid on the couch, in addition to doing a lot of the cooking and such lately while I’ve…well, laid on the couch. I’ve been really frustrated with my inability to do anything for the last few weeks, but he’s helped keep me sane (or as close to it as possible).

I got my very first-ever pedicure on Monday (thanks, Rebecca!) and I’ve decided I need one of those massage chairs. I sat in it for 40 minutes, and my back didn’t hurt the whole time! It was bliss. And it was super nice to get my toenails done, since it’s been getting really difficult to do them myself! Hopefully it’ll last for a few weeks and I won’t have to worry about it until a little while after the baby’s born. Using the same logic, I scheduled a haircut for yesterday, but when I tried to leave for it, my car wouldn’t start! So that’s now been rescheduled for Monday. Kyle looked at the car when he got home (using his nerd tools, which he decided are now cool because now they’re car tools) and determined that the battery was, somehow, dead. (We still agree that the noise it was making was weird for a dead battery, but that’s what it was.) Kyle couldn’t get his car around to jump mine because our neighbor’s car was parked in the only accessible spot, but she’s a nice lady and we just used her car to jump mine. Then we drove around for a half hour or so to let the battery charge up, but when I turned it off, it wouldn’t start again. So we got to buy a new battery, which Kyle replaced with just a few of the skills you wouldn’t think he’d have, but does, somehow. So that was fun. [Note from Kyle: “nerd tools” being my multimeter, with which I determined that the battery was dead, but the alternator was working fine.]

Ummmm…what else? I went to see my midwife this morning (my OB is going to be out for the rest of my pregnancy with health issues), and things still look good. Baby’s in a good position, and seems to be a good size for me, which is reassuring. Sadly, even though I’m at 38 weeks and 5 days, I’m not making any progress. The baby hasn’t even dropped yet, which isn’t necessarily bad, but would be nice. I’ve never thought she would come early, but I’m getting rather anxious about her being really late. Largely because I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over, but also because we have things planned and scheduled for the next weeks/months, and I want her to be as old as possible for them. Fortunately, the midwife told me that she could induce me in two weeks (when I’ll be just shy of 41 weeks), so there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, I don’t want a failed induction that ends up requiring a c-section, either…I’ve had enough surgery. It’ll all work out though, right? Right?

Oh, and because my mom was complaining that I haven’t been posting pictures of my pregnant self (of course not! I feel like a bloated whale), here’s me on Sunday, at 38 weeks 2 days:



October 5, 2011 7:10 pm

So, a while back I blogged an idea I had about cryptographically signing various documents.  I specifically talked about checks, but you can apply the principle anytime you have a fairly small amount of data which is supposed to be issued from a trusted source: cashier’s checks, money orders, driver’s licenses, event tickets, passports, boarding passes, etc.

Well, I spent some time playing around and put together a working example.  It’s not fancy, but it does the job.  It’s been a few months, but it really didn’t take that long.  Especially since I had to do some reading about QR codes and using them, along with public-key cryptography, from Python.  So I had a basic prototype done in about a week.  Then back in August I decided to flesh things out a bit more and produce a nice demo application.  I’m calling the system “PaperTrust” as it allows you to embed the trust element onto the paper item.

Here’s a video demonstration:

Text description of the demo:
So, in my demo, we generate data for a cashier’s check and then sign it using the demo private key.  We stick the signed data (which includes a signing-organization ID) and the signature into a QR code and stick that onto the check and print it.  Now the check is physical and can be carried around as usual.

Now say you’re going to use this check to pay for something from a stranger.  This stranger needs to know they can trust the check.  So they use their verifier application to scan the QR code from your check.  It reads the organization ID, looks up the correct public key for that organization, and verifies that the signature is valid.  It also displays the signed data so the person can compare it to what’s physically printed on the check.  This is a cryptographically secure guarantee that the check is valid (or at worst an exact copy of a real check, which should make tracking down counterfeiters a lot easier).  So you would use this in tandem with traditional anti-forgery measures like watermarks, micro-print, thermal ink, etc.

I’ve put the code up on GitHub: PaperTrust on GitHub.

I declare this week to be…

October 3, 2011 11:37 am

…Recovery Week! I have been sick for nearly 3 weeks now, and enough is enough. My eye is all better (praises both to antibiotics and speedy access to them), and the cold is making very slow progress. By next Sunday, I shall be healed! So there!

Also, this is going to be an awesome week because the weather is going to be cool and rainy (fall may finally be here!). I was really starting to worry that I only have long-sleeve clothes for the baby, but the weather may have decided to behave.

If my illness surprises you, it’s because you aren’t on G+. I’ve been whining over there for days.

September 29, 2011 11:15 am

I have a couple theories about why I am still sick. What say you?

  1. I can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep.
  2. The baby is stealing my antibodies.
  3. I have chosen a steady diet of Marshmallow Mateys to get me through this.
In good news, I think the cold is improving, if very slowly. And my eye is definitely getting better—antibiotics are a miracle, and I love Kaiser.