Both the 18th and the 19th were spent doing more walking around and looking at stuff.
It was a little rainy on the morning of the 18th, but it dried up eventually. We headed down to the Lower Town of Vieux Quebec and wandered about the area looking at shops (and eating popcorn) before ending up at the Museum of Civilization. We popped our heads in, saw that it wasn’t crowded and decided to grab lunch first.
So we walked a bit further and stopped for lunch at Le Buffet de L’Antiquaire. We got to teach the waitress a new word, “corndog,” which was on their menu, but apparently never ordered in English before. In French (at least in Quebec) it is “pogo.”
When we returned to the museum after lunch the line was almost out the door. We apparently arrived just in time to catch the tail end of a tour group or cruise ship or something because once we got through the line it was gone.
I almost managed the entire ticket-buying process at the museum in French, but got thrown for a loop at the end when she asked if we wanted to add on one of the special exhibits. I wasn’t ready for the question and didn’t understand and asked her to switch to English. So close.
After the museum we stopped at a few shops along rue du Petit Champlain. I bought a small wooden moose carved at a wood-working shop where we also got a short tour of the building and workshop.
Then we went back up to the upper town via the Funiculaire to the hotel to collect Dad (who opted to not walk around in the rain after discovering a hole in his shoe) and had dinner at a pizza restaurant.

On the 19th we started by attempting a walking-tour game Mom had on her phone, but it was more interested in gamification than we were so after following it to a few stops we made up our own plans. We ended up back on rue Saint-Jean and had some crepes at Au Petit Coin Breton. They didn’t have room for 6 though so Mom and Dad agreed to do something else. Which was too bad because c’était très délicieuse.
Jess became enamored of a backpack she saw in a shop and would return in the evening to buy it when we returned to the area after dinner for more crepes (at a different créperie).
On our way back to the hotel to rest for a bit we had some gelato and stopped in the Notre Dame Basilica-Cathedral and discovered they were holding crypt tours. So we arranged to meet Mom & Dad there after a rest to take the tour.
Before the tour, I popped back down to the lower town to buy a print of a painting of rue du Petit Champlain that I liked after seeing it on the previous day’s wanderings.
We went back down to rue du Petit Champlain to finish wandering the areas we hadn’t yet seen and bought some fudge and chocolates at a chocolatier. And then back up the Funiculaire for Father’s Day dinner at the Chic Shack burger restaurant.

Perhaps my favorite picture from Quebec taken on our way back to the hotel after dessert crepes: