COVID-19: Part 2

March 16, 2020 1:31 pm

I took a break from work to have lunch. Catching up on the news I see Canada has closed its borders, Spain has nationalized its hospitals, and Alameda County (where we live) along with 5 other counties in the SF Bay Area have been placed on lockdown for 3 weeks. "The order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs."

The order defines essential activities as necessary for the health and safety for individuals and their families. Essential businesses allowed to operate during the recommended action include health care operations; businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals; fresh and nonperishable food retailers (including convenience stores); pharmacies; child care facilities; gas stations; banks; laundry businesses and services necessary for maintaining the safety, sanitation and essential operation of a residence. In addition, health care, law and safety, and essential government functions will continue under the recommended action.

From the Press Release

From the text of the order (

  • "All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes as expressly permitted in Section 10."
  • "All travel, including, but not limited to, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit, except Essential Travel and Essential Activities as defined below in Section 10, is prohibited."
  • "...the Health Officer requests that the Sheriff and all chiefs of police in the County ensure compliance with and enforce this Order. The violation of any provision of this Order constitutes an imminent threat to public health."

Not helping my stress levels.

COVID-19: Part 1

10:12 am

I'm not writing this because I have anything particularly interesting to say to the wide world today, but perhaps someone in the future will find it interesting to hear my first-hand account of these days.

I try to maintain at least a basic awareness of world events, so likely the first time I heard about this new respiratory illness spreading through China was from this NPR article: "CDC To Screen For New Strain Of Coronavirus At 3 U.S. Airports" - Jan 10, 2020.

That article contains statements such as, "Chinese authorities say the virus does not transmit easily between people.", "It's a serious-enough infection, but not like SARS or MERS", and "Frieman says his concern level for this outbreak is 4 out of 10. Signs point to an infection that's not very lethal and doesn't spread easily between people."

Meanwhile, we were in the middle of impeaching/trying Trump, Australia was on fire, Hong Kong had been protesting for democracy, and the world was still dealing with a massive refugee crisis. Not to mention Trump had just had an Iranian general assassinated, Iran accidentally shot down a passenger jet, and it looked like war could break out at any time. And the Democratic Primary for this year's presidential election was in full swing. A new "flu" in China that wasn't very contagious or dangerous didn't have a large impact.

News stories started popping up more often over the coming weeks, but it still was a side-issue. Probably not going to affect my life. Nothing to worry about.

I probably started actually paying attention on March 5 (Thursday) when the Lab sent out an email that an employee had been sent home with a presumptive case of COVID-19 (pending testing). The Lab closed that building for cleaning and sent home 23 other employees who had been in contact with the person. They began advising those who could work from home to do so. Two of my team members chose to work from home the the rest of Thursday and all day Friday.

There was still the question of whether that was an overreaction or not. But the Lab has epidemiologists, virologists, micro-biologists, physicians, etc. on staff. They presumably knew better than other companies about an appropriate response. So I started paying attention.

Work strongly encouraged working from home and began processing mass approvals for property passes (to take computer equipment off-site) and VPN access.

I worked from home the next week (starting Monday March 9). On Wednesday (March 11) I went to volunteer at Mathcounts after school, as regularly scheduled. That evening the school system cancelled all extracurricular activities. On Friday (March 13) they cancelled school for the next 4 weeks (the 4th week was already Spring Break).

Every day the news was filled with the continuing collapse of the stock market; how many new cases and deaths were cropping up around the country and world; and what countries were shutting borders, closing restaurants, quarantining provinces, etc. It was a week that felt like a month.

We watched as the exponential growth curves started exploding around the world and more personally around California--cases doubling every 2-3 days. At the beginning of the week Alameda County had 2 known cases from travelers that had been quarantined. The wife of one of those cases caught it and 2 became 3. Alameda County was stable for days, but by the end of the week it was 9 and this morning (March 16) it's 18. And we know these numbers are low because there aren't enough test kits available to test everyone that should be.

South Korea is performing ~20,000 tests a day. The U.S. is hoping to reach 4,000/day by the end of this week. We're woefully behind on gathering the needed knowledge to respond properly. So the only real choice is to shut down everything that can be; which is probably what the missing data would say to do anyways.

Oh, and that's all ignoring the part where panic buying cleared out stores of all rice, pasta, toilet paper, frozen foods, beans, canned goods. It really doesn't help that every part of this is exactly how the post-apocalyptic stories all start. We know that's not the situation we're really in, but people internalize the fear of those stories and act on it in reality.

For me, it's mainly been a constant, low-level, background anxiety which makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks, enjoy entertainment designed to distract, or sleep particularly soundly. I've been trying to cope via daily walks, riding the exercise bike, and other exercise to try and burn off some stress.

We know the worst is still to come. We're way behind on testing and we really don't know what the situation is going to look like in one or two more weeks. If people take the social distancing protocols seriously we may be able to manage the tide; if they don't we're probably going to see the healthcare system be overwhelmed. But we just don't know.

And if everything goes perfectly from here on out we'll still be looking at a major economic catastrophe at the other end of the medical catastrophe. Yesterday (Sunday, March 15) the Federal Reserve did an emergency rate cut. The new target for the federal funds rate is 0.0-0.25%. They also announced $600 billion in quantitative easing. These were essentially their last-resort options during the 2008 financial crisis. On that news the stockmarkets promptly dropped 10%. We have a long way to go with this and the Fed is basically out of options to respond.

It's been 10 days and it feels like it's been 6 months. 2020 is going to be a very long year.

Dear America

February 7, 2020 9:16 pm

What we saw happen today is what we call a purge. It's what dictators do to consolidate power, punish disloyalty, and intimidate future opposition. The Republican party has been dismantled and rebuilt as a party of personal loyalty to Trump. A man who pardons war criminals and human-rights violators and fires anyone who speaks up.

We are in dangerous times. Even a cursory study of history makes that clear. If you like his politics that's one thing; but replacing everyone in the government with people who are personally loyal and obedient to a person rather than the principles of democracy can only end badly.

Please take a moment to reflect on how you would truly feel if you watched these events and the party labels attached to the participants were reversed.


Crossposted from Facebook.

Dear Mitt Romney

February 6, 2020 9:05 am

Thank you.

I was very pleased to see that one Republican has the integrity to say "wrong is wrong". I was saddened to see that only one Republican has that integrity.

I'm sorry that you are already being, and will continue to be, attacked and insulted for standing for justice. I'm saddened that the people that rallied behind your candidacy in 2012 have now gone so far astray that they can no longer even see you as a member of the party.

Any political party that is loyal to a person instead of an ideology rooted in pluralism is a danger to this country.

Your vote, taken at an unpredictably high cost to yourself, will be remembered as a stand for justice, fairness, and democracy.

Stay strong. "Do what is right, let the consequence follow."


Crossposted from Facebook.

The Show America Needed

February 2, 2020 11:42 am

This past week the TV show, "The Good Place" aired its series finale. It's not the kind of show that comes along very often and I think it was desperately needed.

It was a show that was unabashedly about ethics and moral philosophy. Actual, meaningful philosophical content presented in a format that was accessible to people that have never broached the subject before.

It wasn't another anti-hero, vigilantism, and vengeance story line. Those stories have been popular lately, and I've enjoyed watching them, but I think they are teaching audiences that you can do whatever you want so long as you say it's for the greater good (as defined by you). Their behavior is explicitly rationalized as the ends justifying any means. It can be satisfying to watch the Punisher ignore the laws in order to make the villains pay for their crimes. But it's not healthy for actual society to be filled with self-proclaimed vigilantes doing whatever they feel like and justifying it afterwards.

"The Good Place" was explicitly about coming to terms with what it means to act ethically. Considering the intent and outcome of our behavior in real terms and having at least an internal discussion about what is right; what is fair, what is just.

It was a comedy, so it was generally lighthearted and, at times, goofy. But it covered important ground in moral reasoning and I think it avoided coming across as preachy.

We should consider our actions and do our best. We will fail. And we can take time to reflect on our failures and shortcomings and then do better.

Spoilers in this paragraph! If there's some kind of existence beyond mortality, I'd like it to be something like the one exhibited at the show's end: An unbounded opportunity to learn, grow, and improve until we reach our full potential as moral beings; the ability to enjoy all that existence has to offer; and then, on our own terms, the chance to say, "I'm ready to move on."

If you didn't watch it, go and do so. I think seasons 1-3 are on Netflix currently. I don't know if Netflix will also get season 4 or if it will all move over to NBC's streaming service. The entire series will be available on blu-ray in May. Go find it and watch it. And consider what you can do that will make someone else feel that you've made their life better.