School started today for the girls. From home via computers. They both had a morning check-in meeting starting at 8am and then a break.
Heather then had more class time of some kind, I’m not sure since I was working. She says they were learning about the stuff in their supplies box (they went and picked up materials from their teachers yesterday) and the teacher read a story and watched a video about kindness.
We set up a desk under Heather’s lofted bed. I zip-tied some Ikea LED strip lights to the underside of her bed to light up her space and she’s using a Chromebook we bought last month. So far so good.

Corinne was very excited about everything. Her teacher is doing one-on-one assessments throughout the week so she had some independent (meaning Jess-led) activities but was otherwise done for the day after the morning meeting.

But being excited also means burning through a lot of energy. 90 minutes after her morning meeting she was exhausted.