- Quarantine Day 159
- Livermore cases: 720
- Alameda County cases: 16,212; deaths: 228
- U.S. cases: 5,598,000+; deaths: 174,000+
I’ve been extremely busy the past two weeks trying to catch up with my new job duties. Let’s see if I can remember what’s been happening. I’ve been holding get-to-know-you meetings with all the people in my group and beginning to write up their annual performance appraisals. That’s going to be a big part of my work for the next month or so.
I applied to be a poll worker for the election in November because I think it’s important that everyone be able to vote and most poll workers are retirees who should not being spending large amounts of time in public right now if it can be avoided. Since I haven’t had any use for my vacation time I’ll take the day off to do that.
Our mortgage refinance went through. We cut 2 years off the loan and lowered our interest rate from 3.625% to 2.75%. Which will save us around $45,000 over the life of the loan. Since we shortened the loan, our monthly payment will only go down about $10, which is fine.
I’ve been working on site pretty much every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday–usually for half days. I have a handful of tasks that have to be completed on systems that can’t be accessed off site. I’ve just about got them wrapped up. So probably a few more visits next week and then maybe a few shorter trips to tweak things and then I’ll be working fully from home again.
Two weekends ago Ivy and Beryl infiltrated the enemy base in the Wromblen Mountains and defeated the Manscorpion and his wizard. But the Queen was not there. They had given her to the dragon, Darkfyre. They must now climb to Darkfyre’s lair to rescue her.
This past week my friends’ group completed their quest into the mausoleum in Emrin to apprehend Reginald’s murderer. Next they’ll be off to Mt. Atheros to seek the Mountain Spirit.
Heather got to meet her teacher yesterday via video chat. And Corinne has the same teacher Heather did for Kindergarten. School starts on Tuesday. I’m still waiting on some lights to put up under Heather’s bed and some speakers to connect to the Chromebook to significantly improve the audio quality (which makes a big difference when trying to listen for extended periods of time).
Last weekend we had a massive heat wave that lasted through Wednesday. On Sunday morning we were awakened at about 5:00am by a massive thunderclap. And a really impressive lightning storm slowly marched its way across the Bay Area for the next several hours.
We’ve never seen a storm like this in the time we’ve lived out here. We will, very rarely, hear some light thunder, but it’s gone almost immediately. This was an assault.
The girls came bounding into our room seeking comfort. We eventually got them calmed down. Heather seemed to calm down quickest after showing her how to count the time between lightning and thunder to approximate the distance.
Unfortunately, the something-like 11,000 lightning strikes with almost no rain created a dozen or so wildfires all throughout the Bay Area. And now everything’s on fire. A recent news article indicated it the active fire was at least the size of Rhode Island. Of course the several days after having temperatures over 100F didn’t help any. Even now the highs have only “cooled down” to the mid 90s.
A lot of areas had repeated and extended power outages due to equipment failures in the high heat, or generation & transmission issues. We lost power very briefly on a few occasions, but otherwise were fine. We’ll have our solar and battery installation complete by next year so grid issues shouldn’t even affect us then.
The 2 largest fire complexes (which keep switching places for 1st and 2nd in size) are fairly nearby.

The LNU complex (which is the [L]ake County & [N]apa County [U]nits of CalFire) is north of us, across the innermost parts of the SF Bay, about 45 miles away. It has burned over 300,000 acres and is only at 15% containment; they’ve managed to keep it from entering Fairfield proper, but the entire rest of the front is unconstrained (burning to the north, west, and east).
The SCU complex (which is the [S]anta [C]lara [U]nit of CalFire) is kind of all around us. There was one section about 7 miles north of us, but I think it may have been contained since the map boundaries haven’t seemed to change in several days (but I can’t find anything definitive). The major sections of this fire are south of us (as close as ~10 miles). It’s burned over 291,000 acres and is listed at 10% containment. I haven’t been able to find where those containment lines are though. Presumably near San Jose where it’s been closest to burning down into the residential areas.
Livermore is pretty defensible since the city isn’t built all the way up into the hills. From the hills and canyons where the fire is burning there are wide stretches of grassy hills or vineyards that should provide good access for fire crews to set up firebreaks. So I’m not toooooo worried, but just the same I made sure the van is gassed up and spent 20 minutes loading the back up with supplies. 20 minutes wasted now is a trivial cost should those 20 minutes be needed later.
Consequently, the air is filled with smoke. We’ve had the air purifier running all week to try and keep our indoor air breathable. Outside is disgusting. You can see the smoke in the air just looking across the street and the scattering causes the light color to stay yellowish-orange all day. The air quality has consistently been in the either “unhealthy” or “very unhealthy” zones. Though we haven’t had it hit “hazardous” yet.
Oh, and the forecast has more thunderstorms as a possibility for both nights this weekend.
On a lighter note, I’ve done some more painting of miniatures. Here are the six more that I’ve done.
I’m quite happy with how they’re coming out.