- SF Bay Area extends shelter-at-home directive to May 3 and tightens restrictions.
- Average U.S. gas prices now below $2/gal (the gas station I walk by regularly is at $2.79).
- California state government says to plan for schools to not reopen before the end of the school year.
- Alameda County cases: 294; deaths: 7
- U.S. cases: 163,000+; deaths: 2,800+
The tighter restrictions in Alameda County include:
- Closing all playgrounds, dog parks, climbing walls, and picnic areas.
- Closing shared recreational facilities (basketball courts, golf courses, etc.).
- Sports wherein people touch shared equipment must be limited to same-family games only.
- Tighter restrictions on what “essential business” means.
- “Essential businesses” must shutdown all non-essential activities.
- “Essential businesses” must create and post a social distancing protocol.
- No more than 10 people at a funeral.
It looks like the modeling I posted yesterday is being updated nightly. It’s trending towards worse today.
Not a lot happening today overall. Corinne and I played hide-and-seek last night (me hiding, her seeking). She is suddenly a lot better at the game than the last time we played (which was probably a month ago or so). She remembered all my hiding places and would check them each methodically. She thought it was lots of fun to actually find me instead of wandering around the house until I made enough noise to give away my position.
Here’s how our April is shaping up:
A flower from my walk today: