I took a break from work to have lunch. Catching up on the news I see Canada has closed its borders, Spain has nationalized its hospitals, and Alameda County (where we live) along with 5 other counties in the SF Bay Area have been placed on lockdown for 3 weeks. "The order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs."
The order defines essential activities as necessary for the health and safety for individuals and their families. Essential businesses allowed to operate during the recommended action include health care operations; businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals; fresh and nonperishable food retailers (including convenience stores); pharmacies; child care facilities; gas stations; banks; laundry businesses and services necessary for maintaining the safety, sanitation and essential operation of a residence. In addition, health care, law and safety, and essential government functions will continue under the recommended action.
From the Press Release
From the text of the order (https://blog.serindu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/health-officer-order-shelter-in-place-20200316.pdf):
- "All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes as expressly permitted in Section 10."
- "All travel, including, but not limited to, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit, except Essential Travel and Essential Activities as defined below in Section 10, is prohibited."
- "...the Health Officer requests that the Sheriff and all chiefs of police in the County ensure compliance with and enforce this Order. The violation of any provision of this Order constitutes an imminent threat to public health."
Not helping my stress levels.