Every year since TK Heather has intently designed a leprechaun trap to put out the night before St. Patrick’s Day. It’s apparently something they discussed at school.
She has been a bit distraught that for 2 years now she has failed to catch one. They are just too clever to fall for her tricks.
This year she thought up an entirely new approach. Instead of trying to trap a leprechaun with force she built a playground. She hopes the leprechaun enjoys it so much that it will stay, but if not, she hopes it will have fun. This was entirely her idea and Jess and I find it awesome.
So she designed and built this playground. Jess helped with the bench, slide, and tree; but otherwise Heather built it herself. Look at that swing! Entirely her own design! And the sandbox is full of sand (bits of colored paper) and has 2 functional shovels and buckets! The big lumpy things are gold nuggets. In the center there is a pond. Beyond the pond is a flower and a blade of grass.

Then she wrote a letter for the leprechaun:

(Reproduced below with spelling corrected for readability)
Dear Leprechaun, I hope you enjoy the playground! It’s called Leprechaun Park, but I didn’t have time to make a park sign and monkey bars. Next year! But there is some gold! There is also a swing and a sandbox with buckets and shovels. There is a slide and a bench along with other things you will discover yourself.
HeatherP.S. Please sign your name here every year. Thank You!
So cute! I can’t keep up with the leprechaun traps – that is one make-believe tradition I just can’t buy into. I guess because it’s just a disappointment every year when they don’t catch one.
(Charlie learned about leprechaun traps at school also. I was fine without them.)
Very clever and creative! I hope she attracts a few leprechauns to sign their names.