Family Pictures

February 24, 2015 8:26 pm

Heather drew pictures of each of us today.  I find it fascinating that all children go through a phase where people are just heads with appendages.  But look at those faces!  Eyebrows!  And the possibly intentional size difference between Heather and us!

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If you look really closely at Heather, next to her right hand is a little dot.  She added that so that she wouldn’t be lonely.  She’s been spending a fair bit of time on measures to not be lonely lately.  I think she’s feeling a little neglected with all the turmoil happening in the house over the last couple weeks as we try to get everything rearranged and ready for the baby.  Hopefully we’ll have time to give her some attention before her world gets turned completely upside down.


February 15, 2015 5:39 pm

Along with rewiring the house (and re-arranging furniture to put Heather in what is currently the office) I wanted to get all the switches, outlets, wall plates, etc. in the house to a common style.

When we moved in there were white and beige items with varying styles of outlets, outlet covers, rocker switches, and toggle switches.  Now (except for the garage) all of the switches and outlets are a consistent style (rocker switches) and color (white).

Had to replace 4 bags worth of stuff:


But now we have these:

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House Rewiring

February 13, 2015 9:28 pm


Crisp and clean.

Had all the telecom wiring in the house ripped out and run fresh.  Now every room has a network jack (CAT-6), a cable jack (RG-6), and a phone jack (CAT-5e).  And they all start in this box.

Now every jack in the house can actually be used if desired instead of the awful amalgamation of disconnected systems that we had before.

This makes me happy.