
December 2, 2013 4:13 pm

Every so often, Kyle rakes all the leaves in the front yard into a big pile. This time, the pile was commandeered by Emma and Heather. For fun and hijinks, naturally.

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Since then, Heather has been known to play a little game when getting ready for bed. She pushes the clothes she wore that day into a little pile and then jumps on them like a pile of leaves. She thinks it’s hilarious.

One of Heather’s favorite things to do with the easel is for me to draw a bunch of shapes on it. Then she fills in faces!


Sick day (I feel like I take this picture every couple of weeks):


Don’t you sit in a diaper box (a.k.a. space ship) to read books?


Coloring. The girl loves to color.


She also loves her tutu. In this case, accessorized with a headband and pink princess shoes.

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Trying to think if we did anything else noteworthy in November (besides Heather being adorable, that is). Kyle and Heather have both been sick a couple of times. I have miraculously managed to stay healthy so far. I went to see Catching Fire, and it was phenomenal. I really don’t think much else has happened in our little family (other than Thanksgiving, which will have its own post soon).

OH! My youngest brother, Cameron, got home from his mission. Safely, thank goodness! Unfortunately, we won’t get to see him in person for some time. Probably next summer, when my whole family will get together. I’m already looking forward to it!

And now, it is the Christmas season, my absolute favorite time of year. Music and lights and fabulous candles—I love it!

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