We stayed in Colorado Springs from Thursday, August 30 through Tuesday, September 4.
Jess’ brother, Christopher (seen above, in, what I’m told, is a representative pose) and his wife had a new baby, Hannah. So we, and the rest of Jess’ family (except Cameron who’s serving a mission in the Philippines) came to visit for the baby blessing.
While we were there we went to the Garden of the Gods which is, essentially, a nature preserve. None of my pictures of the scenery there came out looking very interesting, but here’s a picture of us that Jess’ dad took.
A lot of time was spent hanging out in the back yard with games including croquet and cornhole.

We took Heather to a pool for the first time. She seemed to enjoy it so long as the interaction was on her terms. (I was sitting right next to her off camera; the picture was taken by Jess’ dad.)
After the blessing on Sunday I got some pictures while people were still dressed up nice. I’m still learning how to effectively use my external flash, so many of the pictures using flash aren’t great, but I’m getting better. The picture of Colton came out quite well.
One night involved a game of Risk which actually almost went all the way through to conclusion, but ended early once the remaining players conceded. As usual, I’m told, Christopher won.
Another evening involved a rather heated game of Scattergories. With arguments about what causes an answer to be disqualified.
Here are some more random pictures:
Heather getting acquainted with Papa (Jess’ dad).
Chance’s wife Rachael:
Chance and Rachael’s kids, Maddox and Vivian:
On Tuesday we packed up again and headed on to Mesa Verde National Park in the southwest corner of Colorado.