Well, today’s the due date. Big whoop. I saw the midwife again on Wednesday, and we’ve still got no progress. Everything looks healthy, though, which is fantastic. I have another appointment this Wednesday, along with a non-stress test (to monitor the baby’s heart rate, movements, etc.) and we can schedule an induction then. I’m still really hoping she comes earlier, though! I don’t want to do this for another week…
The day won’t be a total loss, though: Kyle and I decided we’d go out for dinner tonight if we didn’t have a baby yet. I’m betting we’ll try out our new local California Pizza Kitchen, which never disappoints. And hey, mebbe we’ll require dessert from the Cheesecake Factory next door. Who knows?
I think you should go out to eat every night until she’s here. And don’t get out of bed before 10 a.m.