The photography class we’re taking had a field trip last week to Veterans Park in Livermore. We got up incredibly early and met at the park at 7.
We took a bunch of pictures; many of which we’re still working on cleaning up. I didn’t get nearly as many as I hoped that I really like. We did, however, get to see some turkeys (they were sitting in the trees! and then they flew!), and some deer, and some (what I believe are) turkey vultures warming up in the sun.
Here are some of the turkeys (I was pretty far away and without a fancy telephoto lens this was the best I could do). I tried to get closer, but those things are skittish and ran off:
The deer were a bit easier to catch, being right out in the sunlight helped:
These (I believe) turkey vultures, were just hanging out in the sunlight to warm up. They’d sit there with their wings outstretched for a long time:
I got to try for one of those fun smooth-flowing-water pictures. I need a tripod though, can’t hold the camera still enough for the entire exposure:
So far my favorite picture from the shoot is this wine tub:
There’s still some work I’d like to do on it to really make it nice.